Poll: The best song from the soundtrack (Burnout Paradise)
by Yuzikkk on 26.01.23 01:34 pm
Your assessment of the game on a 10-point scale (Wheelman)
by xRoNx on 01.07.22 12:12 pm
Impressions of the full version of the game (X360, PS3) (Bulletstorm)
by Sect0r. on 28.08.21 12:20 am
Your favorite car, but now chasing the cops (Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005))
by Ilya 555 on 24.05.21 03:49 am
What pisses you off ?! (Burnout Paradise)
by Skaary on 22.02.21 02:28 am
How did you like CHN and what not? (STALKER: Clear Sky)
by Antrix on 23.12.20 12:32 am
Who how many hours spent on the passage? (Fallout 3)
by Porl on 04.04.20 11:21 pm
How to get on closed base \"clear sky\"? (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky)
by Irbis016 on 14.02.20 02:11 pm