Rate the scary game on a 10-point scale (Dead Rising 2)
by Veselchag on 04.12.21 10:38 pm
Salvador, or a pathetic excuse for Brick. (Borderlands 2)
by Wingen on 12.03.21 01:43 am
Poll: Your favorite weapon in the game? (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
by AMT Hardballer on 11.06.20 09:52 pm
Under what nicknames you play on a server (Counter-Strike: Source)
by -NO_NAME- on 02.05.20 09:13 pm
How do you think which part of nfs was the best tuning (Need for Speed: Undercover)
by serega1345 on 22.04.20 04:38 pm
Does nomad in the game? (Crysis 3)
by Quelly on 10.04.20 08:09 pm
Shooter vs. Scar vs. Degtyarev (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat)
by _Zemlyanin_ on 15.02.20 10:40 pm