How to collapse Quake 3? (Quake 3 Arena)
Comrades, tell me how to quickly roll it up so that you don't get hot at work, alt + tab doesn't work :(I know that there is a certain Q3E Minimizer for these purposes, but I did not use it myself ...
search in search engines
I used =) a good tool, after starting it hides in the tray in the form of an icon ku3 =)) bind in it the shortcut keys for folding and unfolding and endjoy =)
but in the case of work, it is better to bind the quit loaf on which thread, then generally without pale =)))
or if you really perverted as a true Quaker, then make 2 binds:
1. bind button "r_mode 2; r_fullscreen 0; vid_restart" - the quack will become in a small window, there you just press minimize. (of course it will not happen instantly, but Quakers do not like haste and easy ways =)))
2. bind a button to return "your r_mode; r_fullscreen 1; view_restart"
in general like this =))
The game engine is just badly done: P for some reason, many other games are minimized without problems, but this stsuka .. well, not at all.
VID_RESTART is not an option: P is the left option, although there is no way without it.
don't you dare drive to the sacred =))) the engine is perfect, carmack drives =) quack this is not a toy like zuma =) if you sit down to meat, then play to the last =)
By the way, I recently downloaded Kwaku-3 from, so it is quietly buggy. Svorivatsa svorivayetsya on Alt + Inter, but then later on the windows does not want to run with the help of Alt + Tab ... You do not know what it can be?