Moderator (Quake 3 Arena)
Good day, dear members of the forum.This thread discusses issues related to moderating the Quake III: Arena forum.
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Forum moderator
:? -
All - forum moderators:
Z4b3o8v7p icarindoril
N9.N1Ck n9_n1ck
Psychodolb psychomorphosis
AlSar alsar163
Chief moderator:
_Lemon_ lemon --- 1
Gentlemen, who can help with the question of administering the TDM server? Namely, the ability to ban cheaters is of interest, and the most important thing is to increase the maximum number of players on the server from 12 to 16 at least. Recently, I have created a q3tdm group in VK and we are holding tournaments on this server. All is well, but there is a problem that there are a large number of people who want to watch the spectators during the game, and they all do not fit. I appeal to the admins, please increase the max number of players. Ideally, of course 32. But at least 16. Also interested in the ability to administer this server ?! Is it real?