Does Sasnal 4 120Hz support?grafonoman
Nonsense wrote, 120 hertz is the frequency of the monitor, you would still ask, but does not PSA support blue?
Monitor frequency, this is the ability of the monitor to project the frame rate onto the screen, for example, a standard monitor only supports 60 Hz, therefore it projects 60 frames per second on the screen, the game can produce more, but we cannot distinguish this by eye. 120 Hz is usually used for 3D, i.e. 60 frames per eye.
Alexey Chichigin,
I know a smart guy , it's just that after 144Hz, it's funny and uncomfortable to look at 60
Lol, I don't really see the difference. There is a monik with just 144 Hz, and a monik with 60 Hz, they are connected to me in one slave table. The difference is not felt. You have a super eye hike.
The system itself can and does support, but on ps4 there are no games running at more than 60 fps (most about 30). Therefore, from 120 Hz to ps4 there will be no sense. The pine tree does not pull.
Alexey Chichigin
This is purely individual, for me 60Hz is like they used to be 30 compared to 60. Or maybe just some 144Hz monik works at 60.