So that! (Diablo 2)
I repeat - I am here recently, so my opinion can be considered relatively unbiased. Templates for sniffing under the cut:Spoiler inb4 : WHAT YOU HAVE AGAIN, GO WIGS OF WATER, 6 Lo THIS IS THE NORMAL PRICE, THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM, ANEKHI ALWAYS SO COOL, LET YOU HAVE A BOMBIT SIMPLY, THE KOTYARA BURNED THE BOMB YES YOU NOOB JUST, STUPID SCHOOLBOY etc.
Let's start, perhaps.
According to unverified sources, tonight - in the morning (whoever) had the so-called Diablo 2 World Event. It was before that, of course, more than once, but I am scratching: where are the prices for anihi?
Let's take me, a typical beginner: I don’t carry wigs, I don’t play PVP on runes because I don’t know how, I collect stones and scrupulously cook PG, I brew amulets / rings, I sell speckles at ~ Pul-Ist, but for what I can’t to afford the cherished ANNIHILATOR for which month? Along with this, another question arises: does everything really work as intended?
PS If someone has, then the most cherished ANNIHILATOR, share how you
worked for him Spoilernasosalizirovanny, as well as call experts on anticlone charms with their guaids.
Maybe not Deer, but a beginner who wants to learn more and asks if something is not clear?
For people like Ladder_new, I officially declare: I have never claimed the laurels of a pro in any business, because I know that there is a specialist more specialized for any specialist, and how some noobs call other noobs noobs can be observed in the chat 24/7. Let it stay in the chat.
taskai pariki, rab!
RunDnB, fixed. ;-)
experts on anticlone enchantments with their guides are called.
Alexey Bitardsky, what's the point if the next one is called again suddenly, at 5 am Moscow time?
in one snout - with a smiley, in two - java + konvopal.
Alexey Bitardsky
muzila (RunDnB) is the most important freemason, if he did not want to dedicate you, then shield everything, you are outside the ship
if he didn’t want to dedicate you, then shield everything
Alexei Bitardsky, that’s all, dude ((
RunDnB, I have a question - why are larks from Novosib / Vladik lucky, because they more often have a chance to get a call?) or me am I wrong?
Alexey Bitardsky
noepr anixi vsy dorogu po 3lo bili, tak wto ne bambi, ni4ego ea ne zaviway!
I remember there was a theme such as muff quacking all evening, that at 21:00 there will be "free clon dlea vsex". But five minutes before the appointed time, the grease went to peck the grains.