Not full screen (Battlefield 4)
Zdarova bandits, krch the problem is this:Suddenly , the battle stopped running in full screen.
Alt + enter do not help. In the settings everything is ok.
There is no Timviver.
put the game in a window, then without a window. there is a kgyuk. as a last resort, you will delete the folder with the battle in my documents. all settings are there
If so only with BF, then this is solved either through "troubleshooting" in Origin, or through the registry. Doesn't help - reinstall it.
Only with battle.
Previously, everything was normal, but yesterday I moved to the second hut, turned on the battle and she was in the window.
When I press alt + enter, it seems to be clear that the window wants to unfold (for a split second, it is noticeable that the window has expanded), but something does not work.
Put "in a window without a frame" and that's it. I also had such garbage at one time.
A mini-window also began to pop up, on the window with the game, with the inscription "blah blah blah Win + G".
so this hut is cursed by a black gamer)) I heard about this more than once. You need to kiss your grandmother-neighbor 3 times on the night before the full moon, wrap the monitor with a scarlet Orenburg downy shawl, whisper
GTA-Walk 3 times . GTA-Walk. GTA-Walk. After listening to the mother take out the trash and sleep. They say let go.