Game files (XCOM 2)
Good afternoon. Maybe someone knows what these lines are responsible for? Those that I understood, I signed.CharacterBaseStats [eStat_HP] = 5 - Recruit Health
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Offense] = 65 - Recruit Accuracy
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Defense] = 0 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Mobility] = 12 - Default movement
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_SightRadius] = 27 - View range
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Will] = 40 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_PsiOffense] = 0 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlightFuel] = 0 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_UtilityItems] = 1 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_AlertLevel] = 2 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_BackpackSize] = 3 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Hacking] = 5 - Hacking for recruits
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_CritChance] = 0 - Xs, probably the default crit
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_CombatSims] = 0 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_HighCoverConcealment] = 1 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Strength] = 0 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlankingCritChance] = 50 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlankingAimBonus] = 0 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_DetectionRadius] = 9 -?
PS File path SteamLibrary steamapps common XCOM 2 XComGame Config
File: DefaultGameData_CharacterStats.txt
Why should you know? They shoot normally at my place and do not complain about their health. The only thing that I added to the avatar instead of 12 cells, 362, they flew out of the screen. Now I play for my own pleasure, taking my time, as I always love to play. I don’t see any reason to be wise over everything else.
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Defense] = 0 -? it is logical to understand that protection, it rises by taking cover and gives a chance to miss (the nanosuit also gives it)
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_PsiOffense] = 0 -? something is connected with the attack of psychos, perhaps the will, but most likely something else because the translation is different
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_BackpackSize] = 3 -? amount of equipment allowed
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlightFuel] = 0 -? logically fuel but illogical
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlankingCritChance] = 50 -? increased crit chances while flanking
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlankingAimBonus] = 0 -? increased accuracy while flanking
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_HighCoverConcealment] = 1 -? stealth behind full cover, xs what changes
There is more interest here. Since with a google translator I could not understand what they are responsible for.
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlightFuel] = 0 -? it is logical that fuel but illogical 10/10 for it
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_HP] = 5 - Health recruits
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Offense] = 65 - Accuracy recruits
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Defense] = 0 - Default Protection (The shelter is added)
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Mobility] = 12 - Default movement
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_SightRadius] = 27 - Range of vision
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Will] = 40 - Will of recruits
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_PsiOffense] = 0 - Psi-strength
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlightFuel] = 0 - Fuel for flight. ._.
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_UtilityItems] = 1 - number of consumables
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_AlertLevel] = 2 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_BackpackSize] = 3 - Number of slots for items.
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Hacking] = 5 - Hacking for recruits
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_CritChance] = 0 - Default
crit CharacterBaseStats [eStat_CombatSims] = 0 - Personal combat module
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_HighCoverConcealment] = 1 -?
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_Strength] = 0 - Strength. Xs, how it affects.
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlankingCritChance] = 50 - Critical bonus when flanking
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_FlankingAimBonus] = 0 - Accuracy bonus when flanking
CharacterBaseStats [eStat_DetectionRadius] = 9 - Detection range
Kirill Kravchuk
Here's the guide: