How do I change names? (Medieval 2: Total War)
I decided to play for Russia. And all the characters have some strange names (Shuba, Zbushka, etc.). How to make normal names? (So ​​that all future Persians would have normal names) Maybe there is some name base somewhere in the files.KrabKebab
In Rome 1 all texts were in plain text - corrected. Here everything is packed in Medieval II - Total War packs, texts in localized.pack and in Medieval II - Total War tools unpacker the Unpacker sits. I copied it into packs (maybe different dlls) and unpacked it with the command
unpacker.exe --source = localized.pack --destination = localized --verbosity = 1
Names in names.txt.strings.bin. Now you need an Alpaca .strings.bin converter - install python-2.5.2.msi, then download, copy it to the bin folder and run convert_all.bat. Editing names.txt. In text, delete all bin-s except
(for some reason they are not converted - apparently a problem with the version of the converter) - there should be 39 files in total and move text and fonts to data and, most importantly, so that localized.pack does not remain in packs - remove it from there. Add to medieval2.preferences.cfg
file_first = true
But I would just put the English text to myself ... In general, I haven't seen Attila, and the rest are Vivat, Medieval II)) - the best Total War, it's a pity that the flags don't waving , there are no ships and the screen is not wide.