wl3, unable to connect to battlenet (Warcraft 3)
I can't connect to the battlenet, everything is visible on the screenshots, there is more than 100GB of memory, I did everything as indicated, I downloaded version 27b, downloaded the launcher, dropped 3 files into the game folder, downloaded the key and indicated the path in the registry, but at the entrance it says that there is not enough space on the hard disk, I removed the check mark for reading, I do not know what else to do ..Do you
run Zeronny from the admin? If there is only one disk - the system disk, then most of the folders on it by default require administrator rights to change, even if there is no "read-only" checkbox.
Thank you very much, came in, launched on behalf of the administration, when I unchecked the box, I confirmed admin rights, but did not know what to run on behalf of the administration, thank you, kind person, and have a good evening
It's strange, I entered, everything is fine, I started remembering the password, and I was simply thrown out, they say the Internet was lost and now at the entrance it constantly writes that there is no Internet connection ..
Zeronny is
there protection against hacking - if you enter the pass incorrectly several times, then it will temporarily ban. Why it was thrown out - I don't know.