Final Battle (XCOM 2)
Tell me who went through the final battle, what tactics did you use? I tried to win the whole evening, it just doesn't work out. Enemies climb from all sides from the portals, my fighters do not have enough to shoot them, and half of the shots go wide of the mark.Firstly, it is vital to have at least one psionicist with an aura cleansing from psionic influences (no idea what it is called in Russian lohaling). Better yet, divide the team into 2 groups of 3 on both sides of the statue where the first avatar appears.
Secondly - concentrate the fire on the avatars themselves, as soon as all 3 die the mission is over. If you have everything with plasma - killing on an avatar per turn should not be a problem, unless you play at a high level of difficulty.
Thirdly, a stormtrooper ranger with a personal mobility boost (+4 cells per movement unit / + 8 in total) and a storm gun with a laser sight is the best fighter against avatars. In my reaper mode, he laid down three wounded small ones and finally criticized on the avatar. And if the reaper is on reloading, he simply criticized the avatar, which is also quite a lot. But here it is already a matter of luck with the placement of the fighters.
Finally, it is worth noting that the tactic to inflict maximum damage on one target is overrated. In a battle against a bunch of small ones, it is more important to kill groups of three or more with aoes for a maximum of two fighters. In this situation, the ganslinger's abilities are simply salutary, since they allow you to perfectly finish off all the wounded within the radius of visibility.
At least three max pumped psions can mow down enemies in batches I went through this way + Avatar nifigovo damages.
And I had only 1 psionic in my team, and even then without the ability to cleanse from psionic effects. And the enemy's avatars were constantly taking control of mine. And there was a complete opa (((I had to retreat back across the bridge and gain a foothold there (just a convenient place for the enemies to attack a narrow passage). machine gunner, psionic and a fighter with a gremlin). True, it took about 2 hours for this mission and the ranger was almost heroically killed at the end, but the entire approach to the bridge was strewn with the corpses of enemy units. But for some reason, 3 enemy avatar attacked only after all the waves of enemies , and they were all tougher and tougher - in the end, in general, 2 sectopods appeared per turn or 2-3 balls (I forgot what they are called).
I killed 2 avatars, the 3rd took damage and went somewhere. Already 4 moves it is not visible, the review seems to be throughout the room. Opponents climb and climb, while I manage, but I do not understand where the third avatar has gone. Was there something the same as yours? Or search for old saves up to the 3rd avatar and look both ways? )
return to where he started the mission, he heals there and restores armor
In general, with your advice, the final battle was completed in 20 minutes. If someone seems impassable, then here's a tactic: The
weak point of the avatar is that he tends to teleport all the time. I ambushed everyone farther away - near the bridge, and with my avatar approached the Nazis just so that they would notice me. Moreover, they are a handful of the whole crowd of 20-30 individuals on the far portal in the center, it is very interesting to bang on them with a break from the main character - a third of all the reptiles dies at once, all the rest have 1-3 life scales.
So Avatars, like suckers, teleported the last through half a room to my boss and fell under shots from an ambush. So I practically did not kill anyone, only 3 avatars and 5 pieces of other creatures that managed to run up to the boss and also fell under the bullets from the ambush of my gang.
And I grabbed two gatekeepers and didn’t blow a mustache, they dance well, and two black holes would punish any crowd, and 4 so just do :)
The tactic is simple - it was necessary to make sure that after receiving damage, the avatar would go where the thread to your command. Save reload rules. Then the grenade launcher uses the gap = avatar corpse.