Blade can be hit from any position (XCOM 2)
The ranger class has a melee weapon on its back. So that's it. When choosing a blade and then choosing an alien, we are shown the fixed position of our fighter upon impact. This position can be CHANGED as it is more convenient or profitable for you.It is done like this: Choose a ranger in walking mode (That is, DO NOT choose a sword or other weapon, but simply how you are going to walk). Hover LMB (left mouse button) at the adjacent squares with the enemy and CLICK LMB to point at the enemy (It is very easy to lose the square you need, so make sure that this is exactly the place you need) and so, pointed at the enemy with A PRESSED key and a sword icon appeared on the adjacent cell with the enemy (in fact, this is the cell from which our fighter will hit) and then press RMB (right mouse button) without releasing the held LMB. ALL! Our ranger will run up to the selected cell and hit the enemy.
Without further ado: Hold LMB by selecting the desired square, then RMB without releasing LMB.
PS. I hope I will help many people, maybe I asked myself a similar question myself, because of not very favorable positions when taking with a sword.
Good luck to everyone with the resistance :)
ADDITION. As _Salar_ said, you can get by by simply right-clicking when the sword icon appears.
There are several ways to launch Xcom2.
2 clicks lkm
1 clicks lkm in the context menu 1lkm to open
I hope I helped a lot. I asked this question tk. monotony is evil.
Good luck users :)
I wrote Negih for experienced users who know how to turn on the PC on their own and they have Steam in the autorun
useful infa, thanks) I somehow did not think of it. However, when you open the "ruthlessness" skill, the need for this function disappears a little. Anyway, after the murder, you move away from the crime scene wherever you want and it doesn't matter which side you hit.)
Although if you hit without killing, it is still relevant)
I don’t know about the others, but this function normally works for me without LMB. You just hover the cursor over the cell next to the enemy, then move it a little towards the enemy and a sword appears in the marker, right-click (as for running) runs up and hits