Jerin disappears almost every time (Diablo 2)
wtf? on almost every difficulty.Dosmotr, this may be temporary. and there - xs, maybe Aler "tightened the nuts" again. in short, so you, the players of pg, should be! ; D
That Jerin had disappeared before, but rarely. And now, almost every time, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
And some kind of firk is inadequate. If you like to play pvp with a firkosorka wearing a drone and a pvm zealot in a shaft with Havens, you can do so without imposing your opinion on people who do not get such pleasure from the game.
If wigs are for nerds and play is for fun. If I don’t get pleasure from playing with a fiddler, can I not play it?
And where does the imbalance that wigs bring to the game? Everyone can drive them and have a rune. Just one runs on the mefa, and the second spends 100,500 mules in 2 months for 10 jah. And this is not at all the difference between a nerd and a simple user. One person is lazy, and the other is not.
Enjoy life without money. Why education, good work, beautiful things at all? In real life, you also need to drive wigs if you want to have a beautiful rest.
I just don’t understand why build communism? Cutting a drop with hph means equalizing purposeful people with 95% of others.
Do you want equal conditions for all? This means that wigs are canceled from the very beginning of the ladder, and not after a year. And on the forum in the "server" section, once every six months, an announcement appears: "In a week, at 16:00 Moscow time, a clone will be called on all ip, do not miss your anikh"
If I don’t get pleasure from playing with fiddler, can I not play it?
I give permission. Well, in general, I have never called on you to play bov-sorka, on the contrary, I am almost sure that even if you decide that, you will not like it in the end.
about the rest - I wrote a long answer, but you still won’t read it, and I don’t want to flood on the forum
if interested - I’ll answer in a personal
you are on the helle when you are a hole, a sortie into the canyon and fly BACK to the city, then the jerkhin will not run away anywhere.
and don't just bring mules to the palace on Hella, and touch them until the drogan is boiled. and you will be happy.
for the entire time of steam locomotives dzherkhin disappeared just like that once or 2. in all other situations something was done wrong
Dosmotr, +1, the post d00m3d @ has common sense and life experience. ©
and according to your lyrical digression - every experienced player, over time, inevitably pulls to write that it would be better for others in d2. many have done it.
Post d0sSeg'a Talk to the
first or second mule with jerhun when you switch to the second act. (he appears at the very beginning) Put different Easter eggs into the firebox
T-Fox is
clear ATP. 'Pour different Easter eggs into the firebox' - what language is that?
T-Fox, I remember that I did it consistently (only after 2 mule jerhun did not "meet" anymore). but even this sometimes did not prevent him from disappearing later. most likely because during these wigs there was a strong lag. Well, there are usually 2 options for resuscitation.
It also seems to me that the point is more in lags.
Firk also personally sends his reptilian agents to the altar. But he did not know anything about the barbarian with the Bonesnep ..
Do not hang around the palace once again (subjective). Talk / Don't Talk - shit happens. Sometimes.
Talk to the lead mule during the transition to the second act with Varri and Jerhin (the rest are in act 1 until the staff is inserted)
Immediately after breaking the altar, talk to Drognan by the lead mule.
Do not look the magpie in the last 3 locations until the lead mule smashes the altar and talks to Drognan.
No one has ever disappeared.
Why should the rest of the mules stand in the first act? I started talking and he seemed to have sensed ..
So far today I spent 3x6. The first 6 went without holes and conductors. On the second paravoz, he made the last mule a hole in the hell. The third six has already gone through the hole. The fourth is still in the 1st act of the hell. I needed a drone on the trade, I decided to break it up and see the drop. Nightmar beat on the classics, the result for 17 hell hf:
2gul 2ist mind 2 pool. But the randomness and the order of the drop were somehow strange. I drove last season, everything fell completely differently. Here in a row 4-5 hel lum fall yo, then east on the 5th mule. Again 3-4 runes to the pool and hum somewhere on the 9th. The story continued. 15th mule hum, 16th - east, 17th - mind.
And the fact is that earlier the rum mal was filled with medium runes of the mal-ist-um type in a more balanced way. If the last three mules had not been poured, it would have been sality.