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Triarius the younger 19.11.21 09:49 pm

The Secret Ways of Roma Surrectum 2 ... (Total War: Rome)

Hello everyone! Created a topic for a more detailed discussion of the mod: "Roma Surrectum 2". Mod is unusually, (in my opinion), high-quality work !!! Until now, I have not observed anything similar. I noticed this mod almost a year ago. And, captivated by the video that simply conquered my, vulnerable, everything beautiful Roman soul ... overtaking terrible waves of memories, about the first acquaintance with the RTV series, surging with a feeling of satisfaction from what he saw! Set a goal, find: download: play! I will say right away that for me this path was difficult and thorny, (because everything I found, up to a certain point, was not the same) ... but ... I did find it!
And, the theme is the following: "PC 2" is a special mod, which, in the best possible way, emphasizes the special popularity of Rome, the era of greatness and glory !!! Excellent work on models, branches of the armed forces, mercenaries of all levels, and of course, the nominal legions of Rome themselves !!! We discuss the mod itself, the features of the gameplay, share the secrets of the passage and tactics!
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Triarius the younger 19.11.21

The first thing I turned my attention to at the beginning of the game was that nature, and the soldiers themselves, were qualitatively refined! We must pay tribute to the creators of this mod !!!
Yes, Rome, the one that was the first, was an excellent game for its time (in fact, it was he who instilled in us a passion for everything Roman and ancient) ... but time goes on, and after such monsters as the Middle Ages, Empire and Napoleon , well, it was just necessary to create, (even if only, as a temporary, transitional link), at least a mod, on the subject of RTV.
I personally liked the design! Although ... of course, as a historian, I disagree with many points !!! But, in general, the game itself turned out to be quite complex and dynamic! Huge hordes of barbarians strive to break the republic into one hundred small parts from the north - west! Carthage, as the main enemy, at the beginning of the game (the game starts with a battle with Hanibal ... I still don't understand what kind of battle the mod developers tried to imitate ?! from the West and South, sometimes even landing troops on Corsica, Sardinia and even Italy itself! Greeks, not calm, that, like a wave of a bristling rampart of saris, rolling from the South-East! In general, you don't get bored throughout the whole company ...
What else I liked, the long enough time of the battles, which gives enough time (by the way, as in real life), for the implementation of the most difficult tactical maneuvers!
Here, in short, my first impressions of the game !!!

morison1991 19.11.21

Write well, I really wanted to rock this mod, sorry for the work now - heaps ...
Rome, of course, is an eternal theme, every movie or TV series I make me reach for RTW ....
If this mod, PC 2, did I understand correctly? If this mod is so cool, maybe they would have posted a respected couple of screenshots, because they probably were lying around somewhere on hard?

Nariman.E 19.11.21

On the cons: cavalry as fast infantry, enemy armies spawn very often. Luckily there are edu files.

TDI 19.11.21

Duc can someone throw a link to this mod, otherwise you describe everything so beautifully .....

Dawkid 19.11.21

http://www.internetwars.ru/Rome/Roma_Surrection_II/Roma_Surrection_II.htm you download it in the left column, the installation description is below

Dawkid 19.11.21

www.internetwars.ru/Rome/Roma_Surrection_II/Roma_Surrection_II.htm download in the left column, installation description below

TDI 19.11.21

2 Davkid
Thank you, download, try

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

Yes, the game is actually very high quality! The graphics are excellent! A variety of units, for all factions! Mercenaries, different tailoring, enough factions to play in single player mode!
Well, in principle, who is interested, the most, in my opinion, worthy of special attention, is: "Sparta" - Units, well, just gorgeous! To list everything, well ... it's difficult, there are a lot of them! "Macedonia" - Strong faction, with a large selection of shock cavalry, phalanx, several types, from a simple militia to the elite !!! "Pontus" - I'm playing for him now too. A very special faction, since being located on the territory of Asia Minor, it has different units: "From the Scythians, (I highly recommend the Royal Scythians, heavy, rifle cavalry - they tear everyone apart), Thracians, (Falxmen, very dangerous opponents in open battle), Eastern infantry - also make up a decent line of defense, in the army of Pontus! "Dacia" - well, what to say, heavy, elite spear infantry, in general, also a strong line of units! Well, and of course - Rome !!!!!! is capable, under certain conditions, (by the way, the conditions, you choose yourself, either - an alliance, or - complete conquest), to have all of the above units! But ... reforms, all this will be canceled, creating the classic line of the Roman army !!! In general, this is the best, in my opinion, interpretation of the events of 2000 years ago!
Screenshots, I'll post it soon! And also a cover in my performance for a disk box !!!

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

http://pix.playground.ru/1023289/38194/556706/ - link to the cover for the disc!

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

http://empiretw.ru/board/index.php?showtopic=8595&st=800 - This is a link to download the game, in full assembly !!! The advantage of this option is that you don't need anything else to play Roma Surrectum 2, everything is already in this package! Download, unpack and play !!! Good luck guys! I look forward to your impressions!)))

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

Yes, and more ... on my part, it was extremely not careful to miss the description of the "Carthage" faction. Well, correcting myself I will say the following: "The faction is powerful, having many heavy spearmen, the Baal elite, cavalry, marines! By the way, Sparta and Macedonia have this type of troops! Also, very interesting units! Late spearmen, very much like legionnaires, but carry heavy spears! In general, once again I recommend playing this mod, and then, and then post your impressions about it on this forum!))

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

Another link, full assembly of Roma Surrectum 2 mod !!! In case one of the links doesn't work! The advantage of these links is that I downloaded from them myself, everything works !!!

morison1991 19.11.21

Triarius junior
Oh, it will be necessary to download such an interesting work. As soon as I finish working with one mod, I will test it, so I will download it right away!

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

morison1991, hello! Yes, I would also like you to play it! There is an error, I, as a designer, they could correct ... but do not know where to look for these files, I'm not a programmer! ((
Legionnaires do not have pants, bracers of them, like gladiators, and other rubbish not inherent in the Roman army of that time!

Modest Mint 19.11.21

I remember the creator of this topic at one time very persistently advised me this mod and kindly gave links, but after the first attempt failed, I stupidly scored and we limited ourselves to purely verbal discussions. What can you do, I am only worthy of regret and I feel that I will still be responsible for this omission of mine with the RS at the Last Judgment))
By the way, Comrade Triarius shook the old days (the historian after all) and very convincingly proved to me, the unfortunate one, that the Greeks really there was a specialized marines (which at first I doubted at first, at my extreme wretchedness). Such nostalgia ... hmm!

And there is nothing more to add - I didn’t play !!! I repent!

morison1991 19.11.21

Triarius junior
Hello! Well, I'm not as special on Rome as you are, so I think all these inaccuracies will not be thrown into my eyes to such an extent. And, as for the pants, only real barbarians had them, right ?! And, they are not supposed to be for real citizens of Rome! Of course, after the wars in the harsh Germanic forests, the Romans gradually changed their attitude, but how could poor mods bring these changes to the game without spoiling the appearance of a true legionnaire? You understand!

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

Modest Mint, well, hello, friend! Yes, you still think about your behavior and attitude not only towards Rome as a whole, but also towards us, your brothers in arms and the virtual destruction of everything disgusting to great Rome!))) Modest, play, you will not regret !!!
morison1991, - Yes, in principle it is so, the pants are closer to August, they appeared sooner ... but ... it worries us ?! After all, we know legionnaires from history, like a soldier in trousers! Right?! Yes, and the legions formed by Caesar, most likely from the Gauls, already had shtantsi!)))
And, they went into battle on a harsh winter day, they go, ept, without trousers!))) This is the second !!! And, nevertheless, the first thing is that the named legions, different, originally had these differences! And in fashion, all without pants ...)))) yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I advise you to play!

oleg RTW 19.11.21

Modest Mint - and so recently, a rare guest
A will start using PC2, then he will go

to hermits.On PC2, an excellent mod if you activate scripts
If not, then the game is very easy and boring even on hard.
Another disadvantage due to which I have not played it lately glitchy however (crashes)
But the nature is kind of beautiful, but the units are just gorgeous right from the shelves of Foxtrot))))))))

oleg RTW 19.11.21

HOW to activate scripts?

1) At the beginning of the game, click on the portrait of the advisor - it disappears
2) Hover the mouse over any city of our faction and click on it (the advisor reappears)
3) Click on the portrait of the advisor and we should add 1 denarius to the treasury (scripts are activated)

For in order for you to play as Rome you need to build new units like this:
1) Reform Maria - Imperial Palace in Akragante (Sicily)
2) Supply of Army Rations - access to named legions
3) Roman Fortress
4) Curia Hostilia (Curia Hostilia)
5) For the Praetorians we build Castra Pretoria in Rome

Triarius the younger 19.11.21

oleg RTW, thanks, friend !!! Everything is clear now !!! Well, I just got a second wind.)) And, do not know how you can find files for editing the appearance of soldiers ?!