Smoking script (Mafia 2)
People know it's stupid to ask, but not where I can not find a script on how to smoke in the game mafia 2 (and it is in the story mode and not in addition about joe) came across only this video (http: // www. Youtube. Com / watch? V = abwMW65PF88). Help, explain where you can download it and how to start it so that everything works?Here is http: // mafia-mods .ru / mods-for-mafia-2 / mafia-2-smoking
Video about installing mods https: // www. / watch? v = hSjhKILuKyI
SuperSecretUltraMegaMen the
fact that you threw off the wrong thing, it says some kind of injector is needed, and in the file itself, the installer gives an error
There you can't do without an injector, in any case you need it.
Here is a link to an injector with an already installed script
Spoilerhttp: //
The script itself
ply = GetActivePlayer ()
DelayBuffer: Insert (function (l_1_0)
CommandBuffer: Insert (l_6_0, {
function (l_1_0) return ply: SetControlStyle (enums.ControlStyle.LOCKED) end,
function (l_2_0) return ply : AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_in", false) end,
function (l_3_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_aspirate1", false) end,
function (l_4_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_stat", false_0) end,
function (l_laundry_smoke_stat) ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_aspirate2", false) end,
function (l_6_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_stat", false) end,
function (l_7_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_aspirate1", false) end,
function (l_8_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_stat", false) end,
function (l_9_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_aspirate2", false) end,
function (l_10_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_stool_smoke_stat") ,
function (l_11_0) return ply: AnimPlay ("sc_laundry_smoke_out", false) end,
function (l_12_0) return ply: SetControlStyle (enums.ControlStyle.FREE) end})
end, {l_1_0}, 500,1, false)
well, I threw everything that was in the folders, but how to use it in the game ?? Sorry, but I'm just the bottom ((
Launch mafia, turn off and start the injector, in the game press f1 or the button on which the script is installed.