Config for weak pc (Might and Magic: Heroes 7)
Hi, can anyone poke around in the config and found various optimization solutionsAndrey Grishman
wait for fix patches: /
yubisoft gave us a miscarriage and not the legendary hmm
yes finally not a game, but a collection of bugs, pains and disappointments (((((((((
Is there a program or tutorial for tweaking the game? and then on the laptop the horror slows down :(
Maybe bdsm with games will be enough, and go and buy a more normal computer?
look how much a normal laptop costs, smart guys damn it, no to keep silent, if there is nothing to say about the case
trolls are trolls for that))). Not a single forum can do without them now. But since the troll's head is tiny, they are not able to say anything about the case!
Today I posted in this section how to increase the speed of the game. But the cardinal solution to speed is to apply patch 1.2.
Andrey Grishman
there, starting with patch v1, a description of the patches, and here is my version of improving the config / tech / ustranenie_baga_s_nastrojkoj_igry-881324 / # comment-14086567
Hello everyone, after so many patches, will it be comfortable to run it on i3 620 m 4GB?