Installation problem (Need for Speed: The Run)
help with installation write log in as administrator how to do itBrothers, help! I install the game, and it hangs by 20%. The window does not respond. I downloaded different versions from different places, but everything is the same. What to do?
bought the game. installed, but the file "Need For Speed ​​The Run.exe" is missing in the game folder. SHOW WHAT TO DO ???? (((((((
Failed creating D3D device of at least version 10.0 on adapter "Intel (R) HD Graphics" with driver "Unknown". Error is bx GI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED ("Unsupported")
This is typically caused by not having the minimum rquired DirectX support in the GPU
For NVIDIA GPUs, DirectX 10.0 support is required. For AMD and GPUs from other vendors, DirectX 10.1 support is required
WHAT TO DO ???????
Throw someone pliz setup-3 from Need for Speed ​​Run to my mail ([email protected]) Pts you need))
I set the game to 84% suddenly stops and does not want to go further tell me what's the matter?