by team alliance
skins and mods for the most popular computer games!short description .....
TEAM ALLIANCE (alliance team) .....
FOUNDERS .......
1.) Solaris_86zet
2.) DxM Demon Killer
and participant
Jeff Philips
and so I DxM Demon Killer one of the sponsors of Our companies
we decided obedenyat our forces and created a team of the alliance
, we are going to release at the site of skins for popular games
every project we do together and will use the company name in the future date Skinners will add to the team but after the interview ......
our company is an entirely new no work yet, but soon there will be ...
thank you all with you DxM Demon Killer good luck so far .......)))
I can take care of the logo. But first, name your favorite Marvel or DC characters.
Why are the stripes on the head not visible to the end?