Where to buy these pants?
Zdarova, people where to get such pants as on the screen or walking about the approximate name of the models.http://s011.radikal.ru/i318/1410/c4/a242abc76e9f.jpg
Where to buy these pants?
Suddenly, in the store.
And since my boat is ready, it's time to set sail.
4 minutes in Yandex and ...
only firefox demanded some kind of exceptions, so at your own peril and risk.
hmm, well, I would have made such pants myself using my hands. But I can imagine how every fucking bush, twig, wire and other objects that can often be found on the street cling to them)
I asked you to throw off the screen of these pants?
Do you at least read what I'm looking for, I'm looking for pants and not overcoats.
In addition to snow on the street, I don't have
anything Cyber_ [PunK]
Everyone has their own taste and color.
complaints about skirts. Yandex issued a link to this allegedly their store with clothes made from suction. I didn't see anything there
Zdarova, people where to get such a suit as on the screen or walking about the approximate name of the models.