I know a lot about chao let's talkI don’t know only about chao-chaos-animals I collect, but he is not reborn!
And what to waste to do ???
Che no one answers ...........
until the chao-hauser is obtained, and still the dark-type of flight fails
I had a ciao. He had everything 99. He lived for a long time. Then, gradually, he began to turn into Sonic. Turned blue and with thorns like Sonic's. Why is that?
How can I know? Incidentally, I'm 9 years old! And I went through the whole game at 7 years old!
Hello everyone! I see here we talked for a long time. Write everything you know about chao.
Here's how to make chaos of chaos
Chaos chao looks somewhat similar to Chaos 0.
They are immortal, but they do not reproduce,
and the limbs of small animals are not displayed on them.
To grow Chaos chao, you need to take a new egg,
raise Chao until it is reborn twice (remember
that you cannot give chao to small animals until the second rebirth),
then, after the second rebirth,
while the chao is still small, feed
chao Dark or Hero with fruits (if want
Devil chao or Angel chao to grow)
and give one of each type of animal
(in SA and DX 15 animals and in SA2 and SA2B 21 animals)
and wait until the chao grows. In SA you can grow
only neutral Light Chaos Chao.
I know how easy it is to get chao-ami, chaos, teils, nakals.
Go to
then scroll down when you see pictures of chao amy etc.
a little below the subset is written these chaos can be done on
...................... (I don’t remember the name of the site, see for yourself).
If you will communicate, I will give a good site where you can download ANY GAME ABOUT SONIC'A !!! And not only SONIC'A games but others as well !!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :-)))))))))))))))) )
The first evolution occurs some time after the birth of a
chao and turns your baby chao into an adult.
During evolution, a cocoon appears around the chao.
After a while, the cocoon disappears and an adult chao emerges from it.
In SA and SA2, all cocoons are pink, in DX and SA2B, the cocoon of the first
evolution is blue.
The second evolution proceeds imperceptibly. There is no cocoon,
as in the first evolution. Chao gradually
changes its color and shape. After 5 years
(about 10-15 hours of real playing time,
possibly more), a cocoon will reappear around the chao.
If the cocoon is gray, the chao dies.
If you took good care of the ciao,
then the cocoon will be pink.
In this case, an egg will appear in its place and your chao will be reborn.
After the first evolution, chao gets the opportunity to reproduce.
To do this, you need to:
1) wait until flowers begin to appear around 2 chaos,
then take one of the chaos and plant next to the other.
2) artificially induce the breeding season by
feeding two Heart Fruit chaos (pink in color, looks like a heart)
(the fruit must be eaten to the end).
Then add one "blooming" chao to another in the same way.
Light Chaos Chao and chao characters
(Amy, Knuckles and Tails) do not breed .
Eeee ... You said that Light Chaos Chao do not breed, but Dark Chaos Chao and Hero Chaos Chao can crossbreed?
1) wait until flowers begin to appear around 2 chaos,
then take one of the chaos and plant next to another. Isn't this "artificial" reproduction ???
we take and from a simple chao we make a runner (hare, deer, kangaroo.
The location is "Park of Light" or
whatever it is called) and after the cocoon (first evolution) we shove there are as
many skunks as possible in the chavik (for hairstyle)
PS: this is a chao by hand, so I advise you to take a pink egg