Bugs in the game (Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One)
At the beginning of the game, when we have an active inspection area at the grave of our mother (a clock and a candle), but the camera looks up at the same time)this is not a problem for everyone, but only for someone with amd, the developers promise to fix it ...
does anyone know what to do in this case, or is there a save immediately after this point?
Spoilerhttps: //steamcommunity.com/app/1137300/discussions/0/3202617741903844993/
People, and someone had graphical bugs in the interface, where the task log, wardrobe, etc.
The first time this shit appeared at the moment when I examined the professor at the excavation and it was necessary to draw a conclusion on it, and so at that moment this graphic bug got out (it looked like artifacts) and I could hardly read the text that was on the screen. Then I didn’t seem to notice this kind of bullshit. But after a while, the same bug appeared in the journal with evidence after I talked to the inspector in the mission "Overseas Muse". I tried to re-enter the game, and the bug was partially gone and now only covered a small part of the interface.
I thought, mb in a video card. I went into another game, played for a little over an hour, and nothing like that happened.
After that I went to Sherlock again and this bug was gone. It looks like artifacts of a video card, like this, just not in full screen: https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/1665167/pub_5e89184a68b513382843b389_5e891995bd6e884c2117ef1c/scale_1200
video card driver I do not even know the GTX 1650 ... This part of Sherlock is wildly not optimized, lags, plus there are still bugs, mb developed and graphic artifacts are to blame.
Yes, through properties. My game set 100% load and AMD GPU frequency, and kept the same maximum values ​​after exiting the game.