Strange control frees (Fallout 4)
Good day. Faced the following problem, incomprehensible control friezes appeared. You stand still, move the mouse to the sides and on its way it constantly freezes, the same with running, you press forward, you can wait half a second and then run, press the key forward and the Persian can run for another half a second without reacting to anything. And the best thing about this is that these glitches appear at a stable 45-60 fps. I updated the driver as much as possible, turned off all the mods, and nothing helps. Maybe someone knows the reason?Kristina95
No, it doesn't help. Here the problem is deeper. There are no problems with performance, on the street 35-40 fps is stable, well, sometimes it drops to 10. When the free camera turns on while waiting, everything spins smoothly, and with normal control it freezes and sticks, although the fps does not sag. In general, FPS 55-60 and also freezit. Previously, everything was smoothly moving normally, but a couple of days ago everything was just like that, and I can't understand what the problem is.
And you buy DriverBooster 3 pro or download Free and check the drava, everything is fine.
I had such garbage when, after loading, you try to change the weapon, the Persian stupid and simply removed the weapon, and took out a new one somewhere in 20-30 seconds, probably only (apparently somehow connected with the loading of the world). The problem was solved by reinstalling the game on the SSD.
Also, if you used mods, then correct that line in the configs about STRINGS , on the nexus they write that adding any commands there led to an additional load on the game
Artur Romanov
There is a free version, I drove and updated all the firewood, nothing helped.
Unfortunately, not that, I even deleted the fall.ini and the game created a clean one, then I tried to shove someone else's other, nothing. The game is initially on the SSDhe is worth it. In general, the trawl is kind of wild, if the fps during the friezes fell to 5-10, but no, it gives out 50-60 and freezes.
Topol45 The
save can be taken from someone (with a clean, not fashionable game) and check if the save can be screwed up by mods.
In the evening I will try to start over, but it will not help if I have to demolish, clean and re-install everything.
Punto Switcher not installed? Some kind of program intercepts the actions of Claudia and the mouse (possibly).
Artur Romanov
Well, in short, only the complete demolition of the game and a new installation helped. Looks like a specific thing inside the game itself.
It's good that you solved your problem, it's a pity probably for the synchronizers.