Launch problems (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3)
I can’t press Enter when the game starts, I don’t know what to do, help)))Knock on the keyboard, then on the screen, then on the system unit. In the old days it helped me))
Shadow of Ghost
knock yourself on the head to help
me, too, the inter burns but does not start and I do not know what to do
Well, check the keyboard. Raberie clean it up. or change it. Think in general. Everything is simple and ingenious.
Much depends on the OS. So pay attention to your OS. Reinstall if possible and do not switch to Windows 10. there are problems.
This is all your robbit rules. and others have problems on old pieces of iron especially. I can also have 10 norms of robbit because the hardware is new and not 2009))
The most important thing is that the hardware is new !. Not 2010-11-12-13 years. If your hardware is more than 2 years old, then install Win7.
By the way, no one had such a problem (during the replay of the last murder, strange sounds are played) ?!
There is a MENU, but it does not connect to the server (try later).
Do I have one like this or who else faced such a problem?