Raiders are generated in locations when killed? (Fallout 4)
Do raiders generate in locations if you kill them?Infernus666_666
In quest - yes. And on the streets too. Anyone can be generated in cleared locations
I have built 3 water purification towers. Why isn't water replenished in the workbench?
Enough power? Is it wired normally? Alternatively, if the resources disappeared suddenly (everything was ok, but here once, and only 6 instead of 26, for example), then teleport to the settlement and recheck the settlement via V, since in the pip-boy the information on the workshops is sometimes buggy.
in the workbench, clean water was replenished and now 8 water I already play for 3 hours and 8 water everything
Then try to take it, maybe the limit has been reached there, and the settlers have stopped producing, they say there is water and there will be enough. Or just bugged. Or even the development of resources is driven not by time, but by the passage of quests.