New CTF-party for December-January! 11 (Unreal Tournament 2004)
We discussed the subject in the ctf-conference, but not everyone is present there, and therefore I'll write it down here. Subject in the next: many people want to continue moving on ctf, including some tournament motivation, and ctf-pug'i, which are now played regularly, and not only on Saturdays.Therefore, who is ready to participate further and support the subject, write and then we will estimate what the format will be - either a full-fledged ctf-league, or a small ctf-tournament for 3-4 teams (and maybe in 2 circles).
Now there are already a number of applicants, including Meida, Nauta, Malda, etc. Everyone is accepted, including those participating in the Assault Champion, since there are only about 10 of those who have played at the CTF tournament now. We will try to take into account all the nuances so that they do not overlap. Maybe we can make a flexible schedule (for example, 1 official game every 2 weeks). We will also take into account New Year's holidays, sessions, etc.
PS Subject smoothly develops into registration. We will indicate the dates later, but approximately on November 27. Whoa is among the orgs! o /
List of participants (updated):
nana]: ->
Some kind of ctf movement, league, tournament, blah blah blah. Can you be a little more specific about what is happening here? Regret and hell knows what.