Sharing saves (Ori and the Blind Forest)
Throw off pliz save, otherwise I have already lost 51%, I don’t want to start again.Ditritys You
enter a special location in the story, and there you go to the end.
Sorry, fill in the save. I caught a glitch at the very end (99% passed) when I killed a mob that opened a panel under the lava, but died by accident from spitters. Result: the bottom panel is closed, but there is no mob to open it ...
Save folder: Users Username AppData Local Ori and the Blind Forest
Preserved, but I can't pass the moment, what should I do? It is impossible to jump from the left wall to the right one without hitting the spikes (I can't, the gamepad is already cracking), you can't go back either, there is generally a tunnel all up in spikes. HP is small, and the previous City Airport because you can not turn on ((. What to look for City Airport with 20%? Re reluctance, but will have to feel.
PS Who said often persist necessary, but it is necessary only where certain.
Already should be probably judging by the level, then there are no problems ???
There is no double, I just went, apparently in the wrong direction, there is jump had to be over the spikes (apparently with a double, and I went with punches on their own, generally "forward Batko reached" too early, perhaps, I was there.
Most likely , a jamb of developers, they let me get through to where it is impossible to get there without an untapped ability, but I got a damn (I was wondering that I would go there, no ... en ...)
In this situation, it seems that it only remains to switch to the dark side of the force and use the trainer with immortality, get out of the pit in order to ... But then you need to return immediately to the right path, removing the trainer in order to fully enjoy this game, young Padawan ...
Immortal bot or rather jumping crap beat her and beat her and she didn't care, rebooted the computer as well.
down there or somewhere else there is no way out, and full hp does not help from the thorns you bounce down like a ball, I checked)
In general, we close the topic, I started anew (I did not run so far). And by the way, don't jump there without a double (powerful jump), you will stay there.