Lary cross aka nick hande
10.12.21 12:07 am
Will this PSU pull such an assembly?
Will the power supply unit FSP 600PNR, 600W, 120mm pull -http: //www.citilink.ru/catalog/computers_and_notebooks/parts/powersupply/569544/ an assembly with 1 video card GIGABYTE Radeon R9 290 - http://www.citilink.ru/catalog / computers_and_notebooks / parts / videocards / 872632 / and with intel core i5 4590?The other day my friend and I took a chance, assembled it, I thought that such a power supply would be enough, but in fact it turned out that when the computer starts up, it goes into a cyclic reboot, it does not start the first time, when the bench is run it goes into reboot after 30 seconds. If you really flew with a power supply unit, advise which power supply unit, preferably the lowest possible on a budget, is capable of pulling such iron.
MunchkiN 616
finally, as if this card, then the bp should be enough end-to-end, it's
another matter if the bp does not produce the declared watts,
so it is better not to be greedy but always take 750-800 watts. and if you don't understand any bp without a silk bag for wires and a gold certificate, you can safely take a mower in the 6k region. he will just have actual 750-800 watts.
but for a start it is probably worth driving the pitch with a thinner card. for 1 6pik power
although it seems like these fps are normal. a series of everest with them.