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Alex eko 10.12.21 12:23 am

In-game internet (Grand Theft Auto 4)

So I saw there an opportunity to buy cars, but so far I do not have the necessary amount to purchase them.
I also liked the dating site. You can even choose who you want to meet with a woman or a man.
Who else found something interesting on the in-game Internet sites in GTA?
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User 234950 10.12.21

Well, like I love you, how do you feel, like Roma, we have such and such news, etc. Will
Niko pass it on?
just realized that he is not going to transmit, and just pederast.

DRift_MEN_29 RUS 10.12.21

look there in the internet for a PC version: DDD

aikis_monster 10.12.21

Before it is not politically correct, you have to say homo-American.

MAK 10.12.21

Ta lan, he's not gay Kolka

User 234950 10.12.21

Before it is not politically correct, you have to say homo-American.

... piton ... 10.12.21

And if I started dating a girl (Carmen) on a dating site and she didn’t like me at the end of the date, she goes home and says like “Sorry, you don’t fit me” well, or a couple like that = (Did Mona invite her out on a date again? And then there is not even a date button!

Archipychev1994 10.12.21

"By the way, I noticed that his mother periodically writes on the soap for the stroller! =)" Not for Kolya, but for Nikish!

Shake2800 10.12.21

And I have some kind of garbage with an Internet in the game, everything is smeared, no pictures to see, nothing. Help, plz, tell me what to do?

Here are the pictures:pix.PlayGround.ru


Nevermore 10.12.21

this is a questionnaire for niko on a mission from brucy where it is necessary to meet with a gay man, so niko pretended to be him .. and you are happy to hang your ears, go through at least a little game then.

ghost_98 10.12.21

And if I started dating a girl (Carmen) on a dating site and she didn’t like me at the end of the date, she goes home and says like “Sorry, you don’t fit me” well, or a couple like that = (Did Mona invite her out on a date again? And then there is not even a date button!
She told me that too. Soon I’m going on a date again. I must dress better and get a better car. Carmen is generally a fool. She speaks of herself in the third person. You can also make a date with the Yuristka. She has no requests. so high

-Zyunya- 10.12.21



lfgdfs 10.12.21

aha) it was Roma who made him like this! Visible Roma owns the photozep)

ghost_98 10.12.21

How does he still girls agree to date with him? Such a face!

A.Soldier of Light 10.12.21

About pede .. that is, homosexuals is also an interesting observation. The game clearly shows a stupid American political correctness. Now the games will pay more attention to sex minorities, especially since the GG himself seems to be especially not against them.

There is no Internet in the game + it is not really needed at all. Except for missions.
I also personally don’t need a phone that everybody I’ve met every now and then calls on .. they want to go there and do this. Yeah, already, I'm going to please them ... well nafig. It is much more interesting just to ride around the city, for example, in search of trampolines, and so that no one distracts on the mobile.

MAD_Kolia 10.12.21

A.Soldier of Light, the phone has a "Sleep" function. Disables phone and missions. You can ride, they will not be distracted.

Farell 10.12.21

and where are these buildings on the map

Haiiro Ookami 10.12.21

and me, kada I passed the game, the soap came, and there is a link to the site, where there are maps with marked weapons, birds, areas and so on. Moreover, it is also noted there that was previously found. Very convenient to use

Muzh_Liftershi 10.12.21

Andrew10122000 Write a website address!

Ma4eteGT 10.12.21

1C kazly, the Internet was almost not translated, only story pages

Muzh_Liftershi 10.12.21

Ma4eteGT +1 :(