Computer problem (Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Guys, tell me, please ... In ETS 2, after a few minutes of the game, my computer hangs up tightly (The same situation with Duke Nukem Forever, and possibly the rest ...) (Only Wargaming "Tanks" and "Ships" are normal. ). What could it be?Windows - 10 professional
Prots - AMD Fenom2 x2 B560 3.3 GHz
RAM - 6 GB
Took a working video card for a while from a friend (AMD Radeon HD 6450) (To replace the defective Gifors 210)
Semyon Prozorov
Everything flew on my Top Ten, this crap started after I installed the vidyahu (The built-in chipset is almost dead)
I have an unpleasant sound from the speakers on my old computer, I changed everything except my mother, I conclude that the problem is in the mother's board (I have)
Growling? I have the same ... And it seems like not an old computer, 2010 release ...
SlavikSD Writes
differently, there are notifications, there are errors (Not very many), and warnings ... a little bit of everything
There was no error, the computer just spontaneously hung tightly, and not only on this game
Well, right now, I have ATish and stand ... I first change the vidyahu when I put the 210th Dzhifors, I did not take down firewood