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Strelec-zmeya 11.12.21 12:59 am

Target detection and acquisition range (Battlefield 2)

Guys, who knows how to change the detection and target acquisition range of the same air defense systems? Following this example, I will do the rest.
And yet, in order to set auto-lock on the BTR-ah, do you need to change something in the "MENU" archives? Or is it enough to delve into the Tweak files of the technique?
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Strelec-zmeya 11.12.21

Rebound by detection range and capture. Understood. To do this, you need to take, for example, the Tunguska air defense system and open the Tweak file. In it, scroll to the section responsible for ground-to-air missiles. This SAM has "sa19_grison". Slightly below the data on the number of missiles will be the line "ObjectTemplate.target.maxDistance 450", the figure may be different. Change this figure to the one you need, the most it is 500 - 550 m. Save the changes. But that's not all. It is also necessary to open the file "sa19_grison.tweak" in the archives of the game in the section Weapons / Armament / missiles / sa19_grison - this is the missile itself for this air defense system. In the config of this rocket, you also need to make similar changes in the "ObjectTemplate.seek.maxDistLock 450" line. That's all. By the same principle, we make all other mobile and stationary air defense systems. But be careful, different air defense systems have different missiles, which means that you will not get off with changes to one rocket! To find out which rocket is used by this technique, you need to find the line "ObjectTemplate.projectileTemplate ............." in the section responsible for ground-to-air missiles.

It remains to deal with the armored personnel carrier.