Impression of the game (Warhammer 40.000: Mechanicus)
Overall I liked the game, a kind of budget X-COM in the universe of Warhammer 40000.But the game itself is very lightweight, somewhere in half an hour stopped to use the restart came I saw won. Because the pumped Magos is a killing machine. And three Magos Armageddon for the xenos.
Short, 17 landings and opens up the final boss, which is easily overcome 3 technogically
Graphics - Pretty soap and a little variety , although it consumes as much as 3GB of VRAM is where ? it is not clear.
The story - Text , but considering what trash produced by Vahe last time even this story is like manna from heaven.
Gameplay - Very pleasant on entering and responsiveness , as well as surprisingly diverse for an indie game.
If you collect all in a bunch then the game went pretty good , but the only thing that confuses me is poor Unity optimization simply deplorable .. my r9 390 diligently, he warms right up to 76 degrees with no FPS cap , although visually this level of the game 2010 .. in General I advise to monitor the degree and vidyahi percent - if that RTSS and 30фпс cap to help.