Help with better graphics (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Good day gentlemen ...I ask for help from normal and sympathetic people! I want to squeeze the maximum out of the witcher according to the schedule.
I need your help, I think whoever looks here in the future will also be grateful to you.
you can see my computer config in the profile, the game is completely on ultra. without DSR stable 55 - 60 fps. (there is DSR support, but I don’t use it, otherwise the game doesn’t give out above 30 fps)
and so I’ll start. i need help with:
1) water texture. I don't really like the water in the Witcher 3, is there a mod that improves the graphics?
2) advise mods to improve the graphics in the game (for example modKNGYALM, which improves the light)
3) advise a realistic ENB or Sweet. (now I'm trying to install UBER Fidelity Suite 2 but it doesn't work due to missing files)
4) if anyone has infa (a lot of information) for what the lines in the config are responsible for, share plz. so far I was only prompted by the
linkhttp: //
but there is a regular forum and it is not convenient to search for the necessary information.
5) changing the effects of magic, for example, when using fire, so that it would be many times larger =)
6) what is the maximum size of the texture you can make (for example, land)? now the Uber is 2048x2048. is it possible to deliver 4k? or will the game start crashing? has anyone tried it already? and then reinstalling is not a hunt =)
so far this is all that interests me at the moment.
to improve the graph, I found many interesting files, who needs to take away
I had a theme
but it worked unstable and reduced the variety of grass
at the moment I have done
this for the time being the maximum in order to play with stable 55 - 60 fps.
now I'm trying to make fire and smoke like in the game trailer.
MunchkiN 616 it
did not work stably for you, because you touched the vegetation settings, and this is the most energy-consuming resource in the game. you have to work with it delicately.
formally adjust insel for multi GPUs and computers of the future. I will be satisfied if about 2 if 980 will give a stable 30fps.
and there is one 690 30+ fps. so there is still room to build up.
another matter is that actually with a config it is all. there is nothing else of value there. in particular, nothing can be done with water or with light sources.
otherwise, nothing can be improved there, even if good people remake all the vegetation. shaders and ground will remain the same.
However, I was intrigued - what if I put it from GTA 5. so that third-party shaders can be connected to it as to Skyrim.
suite (UBER Fidelity Suite 2). when you put it, read Readme carefully !!!
if that reshade 19.0 / 19.2 can be found at this link
config [Gameplay / EntityPool]
SpawnedLimit = 150
HasSeen =
uiVerticalFrameScale = 1
RequestedSpeechLanguage =
SpeechLanguage = RU
RequestedTextLanguage =
TextLanguage = RU
VSync = false
Resolution = "1920x1080"
FullScreenMode = 2
VSyncThreshold = 0
NPCNames = false
MessageModule = false
BossFocusModule = false
ItemInfoModule = false
DamagedItemsModule = false
HorsePanicBarModule = false
EnemyFocusModule = false
EnemyHitEffects = false
HorseStaminaBarModule = false
BoatHealthModule = false
TerrainTileMipDataBudget = 100
TerrainTileMinTimeout = 2
TerrainTileTimeout = 10
TerrainTileLoadingTimeout = 5
[ContentManager / Mods]
MaxNameLength = 64
Enabled = true
Subtitles = true
[LoadingScreen / TCR]
ShowProgress = true
= True DebugScriptsForceFlush
DebugScriptsLogDir =
AllowChromaticAberration = false
SharpenAmount = 1
AllowBloom = false
SSAOSolution = 2
KeyboardCooldownSpeed = 0.1
CameraAutoRotX = true
InvertCameraX = false
UIMouseSensitivity = 1
CameraAutoRotY = true
RightStickCameraSensitivity = 1
InvertCameraY = false
RightStickAimSensitivity = 1
MouseSensitivity = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_010_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_015_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_005_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_013_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_004_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_006_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_001_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_008_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_011_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_002_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_014_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_009_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_012_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_003_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_016_001 = 1
DlcEnabled_dlc_011_002 = 1
Difficulty = 4
EnableUberMovement = 0
SwarmHideDistance = 250
DecalsHideDistance = 100
DimmerHideDistance = 80
DynamicDecalsHideDistance = 50
StripeHideDistance = 80
[LoadingScreen / Editor]
Disabled = false
[LoadingOverlay / TCR]
FadeOutCooldownExtraTime = 1
FadeInSpinnerTime = 1
FadeOutSpinnerTime = 1
InventoryBgColorScaleB = 0,036
InventoryFixedLuminance = 0.25
InventoryBgColorScaleG = 0,034
MovieFramerate = 30
GammaValue = 1.14
InventoryBgColorScaleR = 0.02
GrassDensity = 2400
DecalsSpawnDistanceCutoff = 30
TextureStreamingHeadsDistanceLimit = 40
TextureStreamingCharacterDistanceLimit = 1000
CascadeShadowFadeTreshold = 1
HairWorksGlobalWidthLimit = 5
CascadeShadowDistanceScale2 = 1.5
MaxTextureAnizotropy = 16
TextureStreamingDistanceLimit = 40000
HairWorksGlobalDensityQuality = 1
TextureMemoryBudget = 1600
CascadeShadowDistanceScale3 = 1.5
HairWorkstGlobalDensityLimit = 2
MeshLODDistanceScale = 1
ScaleformTextureUnstreamDelay = 2.5
DecalsChance = 3
TerrainReadAheadDistance = 200
HairWorksLevel = 2
TerrainScreenSpaceErrorThreshold = 1.6
TerrainScreenSpaceErrorThresholdFar = 3.5
MaxTerrainShadowAtlasCount = 4
HairWorksGlobalDetailLODFactor = 1
TextureMipBias = -0.7
TextureStreamingReduceGameplayLOD = false
TextureInFlightCountBudget = 12
TerrainErrorMetricMultiplier = 6
CascadeShadowmapSize = 3072
CascadeShadowDistanceScale0 = 1
MeshRenderingDistanceScale = 2.5
CascadeShadowQuality = 1
CascadeShadowDistanceScale1 = 1
[Input / Gestures]
EnableSwipe = true
EnablePan = true
EnableGestures = true
EnablePinch = true
FadeInTime = 3
SkipShowWithAnyKey = true
GameRevealTime = 3
SkipHideDelay = 3
SkipInputDelay = 0.25
FadeOutTime = 1.5
SkipAutoshow = false
LimitFPS = 60
[Rendering / SpeedTree]
GrassDistanceScale = 2
FoliageDistanceScale = 1.8
FoliageShadowDistanceScale = 54
GrassRingSize = 16777216
ShowCompatWarning = false
[Streaming / Textures]
CinematicModeMipBias = -0.3
UseMipRefiner = true
Kinect = true
MaxVisibilityDepth = 24
just keep in mind that this mod will eat very well. I made graphics for myself, you can see my computer in the profile.
forgot the
shadows insel and so everything is ok
CascadeShadowDistanceScale2 = 2.5
CascadeShadowDistanceScale3 = 2.5
CascadeShadowDistanceScale0 = 2
CascadeShadowQuality = 4
CascadeShadowDistanceScale1 = 2
(everyone can have 4, but there are pluses and minuses)
Olegug thank you
, lost sight of it, now it will look even better.
although it is strange, I remember exactly that I changed these values, but apparently I worked with a different file
fps in the game without using DSR ~ 45-55
with DSR 30 - 40
screenshots made through fraps, turned out to be a little dark
In my opinion, I looked here in vain, because I have 25 fps on the minimum (but stable).
miha890 nexus
link tab = 1 & navtag = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwitcher3% 2Fajax% 2Fmoddescription% 2F% 3Fid% 3D35% 26preview% 3D & pUp = 1
file Fantasy v3.4 Ultimate, ReShade Framework 1.0.0, see config above.