HDMI fiber >10m; transmission delay
Hello.The crux of the matter, a PC, a gamepad from hboks and BT works great, anywhere in your home, the signal passes without delay.
Want to connect TV to PC using hdmi. If you count the distance by a straight line, then 5 meters, but unfortunately the cable I can't continue =) should be conducted through the floor, drilling where there is a hole and so, in the end, distance to TV out 15 metres.
Ali found the fiber optic hdmi cable with this length at a reasonable price, and basically ready to order.
I know that the rate of transmission by optical fiber is unthinkable, but at both ends of such hdmi cables are transducers, the first electrical signal converts into light, and at the other end of the light back into electricity.
And actually a question to experts: whether a significant delay of the process (in MS) how much will affect the game?
Any how. In theory the delay is, in practice, this will probably only notice the AI.
A significant difference will be the connection from the DP compared to HDMI, especially if you play at 2K or 4K. So look for 15метров DP cable at the right price, and a TV with DP input. ;)
reminds me of a fable where a boy was playing on the pitch looking in a few mirrors and noted some lag the image
the delay is likely to be lower than the reaction pixei on the screen
Yes, and that I can not grasp why some of cdmi with a light guide. 4K works with standard cable like
MunchkiN 616
Distances for standard hdmi, you need either an amplifier (tobish active) or super duper as he lived. And the other option leaves a lot of money is not small. For example, the cable that Ali, I want to take is 3200r for 15метров, according to the reviews it gives 4к60гц rgb 444 8bit hdr
Actually because the delay is and the pixels on the TV, I want to know how much it hdmi to fiber optic, because their delay are summarized.
I'm willing to give the same amount, if it will give me an adequate game with no visible delays
Not the bike. It's about the very old the very first versions of hdmi. If the telly and vidyuhi not ancient - it is not necessary to be soared.