All videos are skipped! (Mad Max)
Such is the strange problem, as soon as you start any task, the video starts, and after a few seconds, as soon as the inscription "press E to skip" appears, the video is skipped ((((((Maybe someone came across?)
If you have a pirate, then, perhaps, some fix is ​​sewn up for skipping videos, well, or xs ... =)))
As I already wrote in the topic about the disappearance of subtitles, videos are skipped in the license. All of this is specifically annoying and the patch still hasn't come out.
As for skipping videos, I had this: I changed the control buttons from the very beginning, and when I got tired of these skipping videos, I thought that perhaps two commands were assigned to the same button (one is by default, for example, I installed and the action button, while by default the developers assigned the same command to this button as to the "E" button). Then I removed my command from the center to another button. It seems like the videos weren't skipped after that, but it seems like they were skipped a couple of times anyway.
In short, the developers just need to fix these two jambs with video clips and subtitles. Everything else is bearable.