You haven't played d2 if (Diablo 2)
[1] didn’t stuff cans in the belt on the go[2] I did not assign the Identify Scroll button to the right button and did not hold it down while in the city.
[3] did not start by walking forty feet, and then: "sliw eu mojno TELEPORTIROVACCA! 9 was po4ti vawe ne begau !!!"
[8] If you have a strong computer and it can handle better and more modern games.
[10] collected 20 chippedov while swinging (and we can come in handy), and then sold everything at once to the vendor
[12] purely out of curiosity did not climb into the free Secret Cove Level followed by an instant rip)))
[13] didn’t charge / BoS to the throne while the magpies were playing: "-ea ne pole4y!", "-I ea ne pole4y! Y min9 teleport ne roska4en".
bd_sm [TDPG]
shift + clicking with the left mouse on the jar will automatically throw it on the belt
shift + clicking the left mouse on the can will automatically throw it on the belt
man, thanks!
really works
^: D
Count up, you can still treat the mayor with shift + pkm and sell things ktrl + lkm!
[14] upon discovering the locked chest, he did not run to Akara for the keys, hoping for a high drop