Political talk show
Now on Russian television, on the main Federal channels there are many different political programs and they show them almost every day, for example on the First channel: Time will tell, Russia 1: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, Duel, 60 minutes with Popov and Kabaevoy, TVC: Right to vote and Right to know on NTV: The meeting place with Norkin and clean and Most. Tell me how you feel about this talk show and do you watch them?I don't watch this show, and television in General, because I think that there is often information is distorted, and the real problems are concealed.
These channels I have long been removed, there is still one set of propaganda broadcasts. I agree with the guys, a lie a lie, I watched a lot of revelations, translated incorrectly, distort the facts, exaggerate, make mountains out of molehills. Our journalists abroad can't stomach and don't want to communicate with them. Topics on TV very often abroad, about our country news on the fingers, the same is happening on the radio. At the same time condemn, criticize, and even give instruction and guidance and conviction gives the country, which can not even organize the movement of buses, should the level of medicine, education, science, technology, hell, even the asphalt to put in to it through the month not rained.
Solovyov and he was still a propagandist, no worse than Kiselyov and jelly TV. Just recently he was weak, all over the country, put people, the latter was the teacher.
Needless to say, the media have proprietary, rated 83 points out of 100 (61 to 100).
Сима4 about patriotism and spiritual ties forgotten.
Echoes and I could hear, although he did not watch TV once because of the abundance of advertisement scored first in favor of walking, then in favor of the PC. But enough friends and loved ones feeds this information crap. Absolutely insane people. Everybody lies, all this show, nothing more. And why continue to watch, is not clear.
Dr. shurich wrote:
Political talk show
In these so-called political talk-show policy no more than the candy wrappers. Pre-invited citizens, I mean participating in these talk shows, which can be people, called a proud word experts and different policies suit different shapes of the abdomen and a different number of chins, imperceptibly passing into the glossy neck, ask each other pre-agreed with the leading talk-show questions, and then, getting them on a predictable answer, struggling to pretend that you are interested stated on the program theme.
Expressed on such talk shows views of the parties, as a rule, rarely are original and only in isolated cases do not correspond to the main line of the ruling Party, and in this case, after clarification of such a delicate circumstances can be declared an unexpected commercial break.
In fact, these political talk shows perform exactly the same entertainment function as topics in the Shoutbox -> Society. To the great credit of the PG, here the discussion is much more sincere.
Included once, on different days of theme one and also the Soviet Union collapsed,the Americans, Syria, Ukraine tired.
On the telly now once again only the dregs and twist.You now turn on the TV-there's all pray to trump,they say,he will remove the sanctions,the ruble will rise,etc,that's just sick.On TV to discuss the problem of Ukraine,not paying attention to their pile.Zadolbali with this Syria,where they say,well,the Americans bombed the peaceful quarter,but says nothing about the fact that they used cluster and phosphorous bombs.Here just tired of the Kremlin propaganda.I TV no longer look,although I have it even in there.
The current show, is the official position of the state.
The male watches the show and understands what and why, all the same will die in the future.
Females that vote in elections, you look and realize that you will die not in vain.
Oh, experts, I of course do not look fed. channels (God forbid you look), but all these shows fit into one word - propaganda. Some here wrote, that in the West, propaganda is not, apparently, in the USSR sekasa was not. PS Propaganda will always like this show, so why pay attention?
Yes, everywhere, in all countries, the media only distort reality. I spoke with a friend of the Germans, both not very well know English, I understood each other, but what I remember most: when cold to -30 as I have in the city he would have died, and that the television is in a lot of lies and propaganda shows what we are bad etc, but it was still in independence
sometimes they are worth watching, if only to know why it will be even worse and who is to blame for this.
What you still watered. show in the dotcom rink was th I have created , as it grows up to 30 and your vector of interest changes , then write , look Solovyov , like Zhirinovsky , well, other political and cultural figures , interesting to listen to.
Sergey Dobrovolskiy wrote:
...in the dotcom rink was something I created...
You're suspiciously knowledgeable about the intricacies of the process!
Sergey Dobrovolskiy wrote:
...how to grow to 30 and your vector of interest will change...
How to grow up to 50, and your vector of interest will change as pay loans and provide for themselves and family, then we'll talk.
How to grow up to 70, and your vector of interest will change as you begin to slowly take stock of your life, then we'll talk
How to grow up to 90, and your vector of interest will change if you remain the ability to speak and listen - then just talk.
From my distant Ukrainian childhood: Hto wise of be the better Grae
In relation to today's political talk shows: one SIP tinned something right.