Autumn has come. Are you happy to meet her, or are you sad? On the one hand, it will be constantly pouring rain, cold in the evenings and of course school. But on the other hand, now is the time to pick berries and mushrooms, all this autumn atmosphere , and of course, in October, games such as Far Cry, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Battlefield appear ... And in September, October and November 2008, I was convinced that the best watermelons in the fall: D By the way, about September 1 : remember 6 years ago the joke that you go to school, and tomorrow is a day off? And this year it fell on a day off, but still pupils of grades 2-10 will go to study. Personally, I think autumn is the best time of the year.Hmm ... Here is autumn. I have 3 degrees overboard and a scarlet dawn.
Alice and Urdnot Wrex
say October 29, but I still want to crack a normal exe'shnik at least
do you have as activation via SMS chtoli?
I love winter, autumn and the night time in autumn, I like to walk in the park and listen to the beatles & Pink Floyd, I advise everyone to try it, especially in the mornings when there is no one on the street.
I don't have a park in the town, but I walked down the street yesterday at 6 a.m. There were no people and even some signs were on fire (although it was already light), but still there were a lot of people willing to travel by car.
Oh, there was some topic three years ago! Actually, we have become frequent with raising old topics. Probably, it will be a difficult autumn. And in 2012 the autumn was not bad.
I was glad yesterday MGSV and Mad max came out. And today, waking up, and seeing Denuva both there and there, I'm not happy at all
I am immensely happy about autumn, because it symbolizes a cold snap. It's like a summer in the ass, when the hellish heat is on the street, and the house is even worse, and you sit and do not know what to do with yourself. Good for those with air conditioning.
Topic of the 12th year, and I have not unsubscribed on it yet. xD
I love autumn. Rains, sadness, sadness. Ideally.
Just look, the topic existed for 3 days and was mired in the archives, and how many comments were written in 3 days. PG slowed down.