Weapons (Guild Wars 2)
I have 20 lvl, just right now I saw that there is another zone where the pumping is from 15-25, I'm now in another zone, there is also 15-25, is there a difference where to swing?and how to find out for the execution of which square I can take the weapon that I need for special currency
Lyokha Kazantsev
are zones for different races. no matter where to swing.
did not understand the question about the special currency. what kind of special currency?
Where it doesn’t matter, I finally pumped one Persian to pvp from 0 to 80. Not having done any quest.
well, the currency that is given for completing dungeons, and for it you can buy things for a person who gives
Lyokha Kazantsev
for passing dungeons in Explorable mode gives this currency, like. you just change it at the NPC when you have enough. or pvp-sewn and collect from chests.
can a ranger carry an ax? if yes, then all the builds are on the internet.