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King of GroovÑŠ 05.01.22 02:02 am

GREENHAMMER. Big boss adventures. (Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War)

Planet Prospero. System "Murania"
For a long time, the system was under the rule of the Imperium. Everything went on as usual until at one moment a ship appeared near the orbit of the planet "Prospero". He looked so that any sober-minded creature would ask a perfectly acceptable question:
How did this so-called "ship" in general take off?
But still he flew, to be more precise, he fell. He was attracted by the gravity of the planet. Now it has already crossed the layers of the atmosphere and its bottom flared up.
- We will go shandarah on this trough!
- Boss. I will remember you forever!
- Shut up. Squig deposition. Nobody buddhas to breed panic in front of me !!!
The ship crashed in the desert.
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King of GroovÑŠ 05.01.22

Chapter 1. "Heat"
Having made several somersaults, the ship drove into the sands and stopped. The hatch was knocked out by a blow from the largest and most massive orc. Yes, it was him. Chieftain Gorgutz and his minions.
- Well, where are we Squig would have kicked you !!
- Boss we are in the desert! Tuta is hot!
- I can see it stupid gretchin! What planet am I saying?
Then the big mechanic Agraz crawled out of the ship.
- Leader, this is probably Praspra. The planet of humans. I've heard about her. Tuta had a good fight a long time ago.
- People! They are everywhere! Grrrr !! growled Gorgutz.
- So we wake up the boss?
- We will take this planet for ourselves, little people are not a hindrance to us, we are orcs and we will pabedim WAAAAAAAAGH !!!
- WAAAAAAAAAGH !!!! - everyone shouted.
- Agraz get more news? If the mulberries are still strong orcs and take some guys with you. We need an outpost, the boss ordered.
“The boss will be done,” Agraz replied.
Meanwhile, in the city of "Ursala".
The clerk was very alarmed. He carried a pile of papers from the office to the governor's office for signatures. The Governor's name was Sebastian Routh. In his company of officials and generals he was known as "Lightning". Among his subordinates and ordinary people, legends about his personality roamed. The legend that once upon a time, when he was a simple ordinary guardsman, their platoon was attacked by the forces of chaos in Cadia. What he had to see forever changed his attitude towards life and, in general, played on his personality. He was rude, cruel, he knew many of the weak points of his enemies and subordinates. Indeed, according to legend, from the 28th Regiment of the Imperial Guard, he is the only survivor. It was also surprising that he was not sentenced to a tribunal. They could think that chaos took possession of him and spared him in order to realize his dark plans. But the Inquisition did not show any interest in him either. Suspicious. Weird. But it was what it was. In subsequent battles, he showed himself to be a fierce guide of the Emperor's will. The command drew attention to him and Sebastian Rout, nicknamed "Lightning", was rapidly going up. at this hour, being in his office, he gazed into the distance from the window and lit his favorite pipe.