Voice acting (The Evil Within)
will there be Russian voice acting? or, as always, the whole game will be readRamzes181276
read the news about the game. Usually such games with Russian voice acting are terrible, like many others .....
What is the minus? For asking? ... Sometimes localization is done a little later than the release.
stray tokachi
Thank you.
Englishmen, French, Poles and so on saved the whole world from fascism in the 45th their children were raped, burned and killed, not that we Russians do not deserve a single drop of respect.
It was the USSR, not the Russians, who did it. You are nothing without him. And in general, what does this have to do with business? Do voice acting at a loss or what?
Although there is an option:
"Discrimination of the Russian-speaking population, it is necessary to send troops to restore justice"
Russian, not Soviet, is recognized by the UN as the language of international communication.
English, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, French and Chinese are the official languages ​​of the United Nations.
So everything is correct Eisventura wrote about disrespect for our great language.
In fact, for the majority of the population, all who inhabited the USSR were Russians, no need to say nonsense, the USSR is the Russians and fraternal peoples, when we Kazakhs, Belarusians, Ukrainians believe that we are not Russians, then they will be able to defeat us.
By the way, what's the fun on Steam in the Season Pass DLC?
There the Russian voice acting is written!
But she is not.
Hmmm ... 10 months ago I snapped off the minus for "heretical" questions on this page.
Direct links to torrents are prohibited, but:
Yes, and here in the "files" section it is also there.