Localization (Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain)
will there be Russian voice acting?maxnikolaef
No. There has never been a Russian voice acting in MGU. Even Russian subs are an innovation of the fifth part.
There will be no voice acting. Damn, how was it raised with this question everywhere. Learn English, damn it.
There are subs, at least, so at least learn to read.
Saba and that gift is not a true one. Do you know how MGS3 went? I played for a couple of hours, and then I sit down at the computer and watch the translations of those vidos that I saw while playing with the Russian voice acting of the Ridget. Thanks to the Ridget for the translations.
I respect this friend. Thanks to him, I got acquainted with the series.
WinChester Do
n't like everything English / American?
I do not reproach, but I ask out of curiosity.
Gutsz Whoa
, why is it so late? Although what difference does it make to me, after all, I know English and read subs in extreme (:
better death, I'll play with Japanese voice acting)
Solidu-kuuun. Skullface narimashoooooo. Metaligiru kurushtiairuuu. OOOOOOOOO.
It seems there are Russian subs.
Here I copied from my pre-order: English (with Russian subtitles)
What nonsense, what other 4-5 days? from what ceiling have you taken these days?
> Fan voice acting
What are you talking about? = D This is what kind of pervert to be ..
and who made the voice acting for the first Dragon age? Sovtklab or what?
Everyone who speaks English better and more freely, thinks and writes, why are you sitting on Russian-language portals? welcome to the English forums, there is nothing to shake with your polyglot abilities. The question was: will there be voice acting or not
is always like this with them. with the ending the same trouble. English is more restrained.
Well, these are not localization or voice acting features, but language.