Editing aircraft parameters in the game (Tom Clancy's HAWX)
So let's go!Yes .... yes .... yes ..... I was late for many years, the game is not interesting to anyone, but still ..... (remark .... I spread it mostly for myself in case forget in the future).
So, what can be done:
One of several files is located here:
D: HAWX Data Menus2 (the address as I have the game, it may be different for you, but the final folder is the same).
Look for the default_planes file in it, open it with notepad and start "hooliganism".
I must say right away that these manipulations have only a "half" effect on the plane. Since, in addition to these data, the game still has the concept of "physics" and it largely reflects the dynamic qualities of the aircraft.
When you open it, you will see something like this (I will analyze it using the example of the F-22 Raptor,
There should be no spaces after slashes - the forum treats the path as one word. Therefore, I divided it into "separate words" so that I would skip it.
Name = "FA22" - this is the name of the aircraft
Pack = "MainMenu" - where it is located.
Model = "dem_FA-22_Raptor_player", - Skin in the game.
Dat = "Data / Models / plane_playable / menu_FA-22_Raptor.dat", - the used model in the
Skin2 menu = 1, - the number of additional skins.
Skin2Model = "dem_FA-22_Raptor_skin2_player", - alternative skin.
Skin2Dat = "Data / Models / plane_playable / menu_skin2_FA-22_Raptor.dat", - an alternative skin in the menu.
Country = 0, - who owns it (I didn't understand a bit what this parameter is responsible for).
Level = 0,
Speed ​​= 8, - aircraft speed scale.
Maneuverability = 10, - scale of maneuverability (controllability) of the aircraft.
Resistance = 6, - aircraft protection (armor).
AARating = 10, - effectiveness against air targets (interceptor stars)
AGRating = 7, - effectiveness against ground targets (attack aircraft stars)
Role = 1, - aircraft role (1 - interceptor, 2 - attack aircraft, 3 - multi)
Stealth = 1, - perk "stealth" 1 - yes, 0 - no.
Carrier = 0, - perk "increased ammunition" (similar to stealth - 1 is, 0 - no)
EW = 1, - perk "Electronic warfare" for PvP (the same thing - 1 is, 0 - no).
SuperCannon = 0, - which gun is installed. 1 - double conventional, 2 - large-caliber,
Drift = 2, - the perk is responsible for a special property of maneuverability. 0 - nothing, 1 - greater angle of attack without thrust vector control, 2 - presence of thrust vector
StallRecovery = 2, - stall recovery. 0 - nothing, 1 - poor recovery, 2 - good recovery.
Stability = 2, - is responsible for the "stability" of the aircraft. 0 - nothing, 1 - quickly goes to the dump, 2 - goes to the dump longer.
Avionics = 1, - perk for quick target acquisition (0 - no bonuses, 1 - air, 2 - ground, 3 - all together)
WeaponCharge = 1, - something with "weapon charging", but not entirely clear. Didn't see any obvious changes when editing)
SPPacks = {- a set of weapons for a single-player game
{"wpm_BM-MM-FL", 140,40,0,5},
{"wpm_BM-MM-AM-FL", 140,28,50,5},
BM - base rocket (it should always be, otherwise it won't understand).
MM - multi-charge Air-Air (those with 4 for aircraft)
AGM - multi-charged Air-Earth (those with 4 for ground)
RG - missiles with radar guidance (long-range station wagons)
AM - all-aspect air-to-air missiles
CB - cluster bombs
FFB - free-fall bombs.
RL - rockets
for rockets FL - heat traps for missiles
The names of the rockets must be in English. Cyrillic will not be read and weapons will not be available.
MPPacks = {- a set of weapons for a multiplayer game
{"wpm_BM-MM-FL_mp", 40,20,0,3},
{"wpm_BM-AM-FFB-FL_mp", 40,10,20,3},
{"wpm_BM-MM-AM-FL_mp", 40,16,10,3},
{"wpm_BM-EW-FL_mp", 40,1,0,8},
Pic = {"Data \ Textures \ Menus2 \ PlaneIcons.dds ", 0.8,0.25,0.9,0.375} - the plane icon in the interface.
In addition to these parameters, there are also files in the Physics folder.
There are files responsible for the aircraft physics.
It is more difficult with these parameters, since a certain balance must be observed there. Otherwise it won't work.
Those parameters are responsible for the acceleration, angular velocity and deceleration of the aircraft speed regardless of the 1st file of the aircraft parameters.
Physics is more and more difficult, since not all planes have a personal file. Many (especially those who do not have special perks) are sitting on a universal physics file. Thus, 1 file affects several machines at once and changing it will affect the characteristics of a number of machines, which can complicate enemies on missions.
I will lay out how to work with physics when I fully understand the data.