Improving graphics (Outlast)
???hmm ... We are looking for a file along the path C: Users ...... Documents My Games Outlast OLGame Config OLSystemSettings.ini
and unscrew it ... it's the same Unreal Engine
For anti-aliasing on radeons, you can use radeonpro or injectors, and the green ones have their own fxaa in the drivers.
and the green ones have their own fxaa in the drivers.
tried it, it doesn't fucking work
here is
And what? Where is there about improving the graphics?
A little information on some values ​​in the configs, as well as enabling anti-aliasing on nvidia
upd: After today's update of the game, multisampling began to work in the catalist.
So, what, in fact, in this game you can pick:
I Enable acceptable anti-aliasing
1. Download nVidia Inspector
2. Launch, click on the button with the image of a wrench and a screwdriver.
3. At the top, select the "Outlast" profile (If not, click on the button with the sun and create the profile yourself, then click "Add aplication to current profile" and specify the path to the executable for the game H: Games Outlast Binaries Win32 OLGame. exe.).
4. In the "Antialiasing - mode" item, set "Override any application setting".
5. Next, in the "Antialiasing - setting" item, set "8xQ [8x Multisampling]", and also in the "Antialiasing - Transperency Supersampling" item, select "8x Supersampling" (Why not put Sparse Grid Supersampling? Because artifacts appear in the form of white fog instead of darkness)
Like everything. I do not post screenshots, because the difference is still not particularly visible, but it is there, I guarantee it.
II Configs
Outlast engine - familiar to all Unreal. So, we arm ourselves with a notebook and follow the path My Documents My Games Outlast OLGame Config, open the OLSystemSettings.
MaxShadowResolution MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution
both to 4096.
Set both -1. Improves the detail of some models and particles. But be careful here, artifacts may appear.
Open the OLEngine.ini file MaxProcBuildingLODColorTextureSize
2048 and 1024 respectively. Improves the quality of textures - in theory. In fact, I did not see any changes.
So far, these are the only parameters that have an effect. If I find something else, I'll add it.
PS It is also recommended to force anti-isotropic filtering of textures through the driver.
Guys, well, you zazhralis))) The game has excellent graphics, cinematography rolls over.
+ The graphics are awesome, the lighting is beyond praise. Only life is more real ...
Who has NVIDIA: Launch the NVIDIA Control Panel, go to Manage 3D Settings, then to Program Settings, then click Add, add Outlast, click Anti-Aliasing - MSAA, or whatever and click Enable. Everything.
If you want cool anti-aliasing like SGSSAA, then download Nvidia Inspector, create a profile for Outlast, and expose everything as on my screen.
PS> If someone's computer does not export such anti-aliasing then change 4xMSAA to 2xMSAA. Same with SGSSAA change to 2x Sparse Grid Supersampling. And lower LOD Bias (DX) from -1.0000 to -0.500.
PS> To enlarge the screen, right-click on it, then "Open Image"
Everything is OK !!! Only I put 8xMSAA and, accordingly, 8x Sparse Grid Supersampling.
why the graphics are bad? Ultra Anrial 3 shows itself very well. even the books are not blurry like in many games ... + this is a horror