PvM Zealot (Diablo 2)
For fun, which skill to choose:1. Max Sacrifice for increased damage or Defiance for defense?
2. Replacing fanaticism with, say, HF, is it a normal idea or not?
CorvinOk "Mf Zeal" now I saw everything;)) / then yeah, more than forty for a kuvavlda and a drool))
Boliwe vsego 4to 9 Nelybly v LT - eto to 4to ono perebivaet Decry (v samiy Nepodhodiawiy moment). K
Kak 9 materysy Kogda valy Baalla na Open HBR v 2-ms Kakim nity Dohlim UT Smiterom: D
Ny eto davno bilo :). Vse Novi4ki sklonni k Navewivaniu na Sebia Neopravdanno boliwogo Kolli4estva MF ik pereocenke zna4eni9 MF :)
CorvinOk, oh! I had a clinical period when I dropped Draki into a cube in order to pound Baal under the decal (with a Lawlbringer swap); DD
da ladno;), Zealy Mogno daty Grief + Hilord i odety vo 4to Ygodno i on bydet Bolee-menee snosno rubaty 6Kau6 now I've seen everything;))
Net, ti ewo Nevidel Moego ZEALA Goldera iz Prowlogo sezona;)
measure pride, beast in the paws, double dream must have - you don't need to download anything at all !!!
A Merk za4em togda?
CorvinOk, a hat with a measure that when you run to Baal on a charge, the merk lags behind and fiercely dulls. on pkhbr it is unpleasantly delaying. but the telesil has no problems with this, the merk plows to the fullest! but .. It is desirable to eliminate the plague. :-) I was strangled by GABA and I set out to dig the fcr / half freeze / ++ ring. dug, flew - acceptable.
I drove doubledream
bd_sm [TDPG], yesterday I again caught a gosot on my cell - cutlass 2 pal 40% ias! :-) You can make a ziloshocker and tear mobs together with a foher! : D
Obsessed that when you run to Baal on a charge, the merk lags behind and fiercely dulls.
da da da; (- beda sovsem s nim; (
Obsessed (with swap Lawlbringer); DD
eto Pro zila? ili pro Barbarians?
when you run to Baal in a charge, the merk lags behind and fiercely dulls.
any crafted necr knows how to control the crowd with a townportal
CorvinOk, eta PR @ 3uJl @)
bd_sm [TDPG], yeah, awesome way. went out into the city and poke at the TP while you enter. no thanks. there is enough of this for teletaxi. )
My thoughts are my horses The
best of all, stones and runes drop Soul, Ghost, Hell Swarm and Doom Caster (those red ones that burn all mana), and the like. Where they hang out there and look for stones)
'' Semena ERESi '' - kotorie 9 pose9L za god, vse 4awe i 4awe daut `` vshodi ''; D
My thoughts are my horses
Neslyway nikogo - Odevay Zealy Vigior, Glyshi Oblivney Smitom, a Draki i Exile otday UT Smity - I Bytet tebe S4astie
ny da, nespory - toliko s Poiasom na 15DR Souli bi nedali mne nespewa i akkyratno raspravitcia sna4alo s Oblivn9mi, a potom yge zaniatcia ostalinimi
Ny i skoka bilo takih ge Openow toliko
PS neZaski poleLivi UP? ; D
PSS 9 sna4alo podymal 4to y TP polovina Trona mobov sobralocy, no tam i daliwe kyda ne CHARGEani takoi ge PPC bil (tak 4to bilo ne do SCREEnov; (, (k sogaleniu); (), as imeuwimic9 screenami kartina: nepolna