Caches (Shadow Warrior (2013))
In the first chapter I found 7/8. In the second 5/6. In the third only 2/6.Describe the location of caches. Better yet, a complete list. A link to the video would be - it's generally super.
I'm wondering if anyone found all the caches in the game? I only found all 5 at level 15, and the best results are 11/12, 10/11, etc. And so it happened on 6/11 and 8/11. Passed the game 2 times, and the second time solely because of the caches. I combed the levels carefully, literally every square. meter, looked into every corner and crack, blew up everything that explodes. Well, this is how it should be hidden, so that with such painstaking research, not everything can be found .... Yes, and money has never been able to collect even 95% of it.
Video of the first chapter with caches. I'll try to quickly write down the rest of the chapters of the game (if nothing interferes). I didn't write down the prologue, there is a cache in the first building where the game starts, in a piece of glass opposite the only slot machine. So CHAPTER ONE:
Shadow Warrior Hidden Video Chapter 4 . In the 2nd and 3rd chapters, I didn’t find one cache each, I’ll go a second time and explore the locations more carefully. Until CHAPTER FOUR:
Uh! you are a scribe UASYA ... well, why are you showing us this if you didn’t show the most important thing Chapter Seven, 9 of 11 How did you open this door. If she is there on deaf ...???????????????????