What processor is required to reveal the video card?
Actually, the question is what kind of processor based on intel is required (if it’s not difficult to write an analog from AMD as well) so as not to hold back the Radeon R7 265 video card (http://hard.rozetka.com.ua/his_h265qm2g2m/p1740127/#tab=all).The processor will be installed in ASRock H81M-VG4 (http://hard.rozetka.com.ua/asrock_h81m_vg4_r2/p2103322/).
Also, the question is, how much% will the video card indicated above work with the Intel Celeron G1820 processor (http://hard.rozetka.com.ua/intel_celeron_g1820_box/p450114/).
I will also consider recommendations for choosing hardware from the price ranges of a video card, the processor is not more than 6k UAH (16-18k rubles).
A computer is needed for games, a monitor on which I will see all the delights of the gaming industry 17 inch with a resolution of 1280x1024.
i3 is enough for such a card http://hard.rozetka.com.ua/intel_core_i3_bx80646l34330/p302591/
hell knows. I did not find any normal tests of the card, but this is something close to 270 and therefore in this resolution something like i5 4560-4590.
MunchkiN 616
R7 265 is a rebadged HD7850. The card is the beginning of the middle range, i5 is a lot for her. But the R9 270 is a renamed HD7870.
another question is if the vehicle will buy a processor with a reserve for the future (a more powerful video card). In this case, the proposed i5 will last for 5 years if not more. I took my i5-3470 3-4 years ago, and it will last for the same amount. Processors are now developing at such a pace that they do not require constant replacement.
for once the question was asked quite specifically - how much processor will the card cover at a resolution of 1280x1024 so that the processor or the card is not a bottleneck.
if there was a resolution of 1920x1080, then naturally the card would not pull and the processor needed much less.
I assume that about the same processor or a little slower. despite the fact that the card is physically unable to provide high-quality textures and anti-aliasing due to lack of memory.
the processor for the future to another card in this resolution is another matter.
For 265 more than i3 is meaningless, well, unless of course you upgrade the video soon.
take i5 with a reserve for an upgrade, any 4 generations, or 6 if you can find it
The processor does not reveal anything ... there is no such thing ... you need to ask about a processor that will not hold back FPS in most games, for example, in 80% of toys .... for 265 you need 8300 and overclock a little ... or i5 is just not the initial one though would be 4 generations .. let's say i3 in most modern games there will be jerks ... friezes ... for old ones maybe 2 cores is enough ... if the FX 6300 then it had to be driven even for 660 and the fps increased significantly ... in most games