Glitches in missions (Battlefield 4)
Installed a pirate.... At first I couldn't run the x64 version, I tried x86, Hooray victory!!!! I started playing with great pleasure. I was upset that the graphics settings cannot be changed (((I measured it. I got to the mission where you need to launch a flare, and then blow up the airport to hell ... I'm going to hell knows whereI just wrote and the glitch passed))))
Ps I tried to restart the game, and I also tried to restart the computer.
Yes, there are glitches in it and a small cart ... Enemies hovering in the air, meditating in nirvana, are worth something. With autosaves there are rakes, sometimes it will work crookedly. I haven’t failed yet, but I’ve seen various trifles and non-critical jambs, and crashes happen sometimes too.
Damn I have the same problem. stuck in textures. Who can help. and the trick is that it was autosaved right in this bug
Put a pirate.... At first I could not run the x64 version, I tried x86, Hooray victory !!!! I started playing with great pleasure. I was upset that the graphics settings cannot be changed (((
Install Microsoft Visual C ++ for Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 (x64)
only restarting the mission will help
, he himself had the same crap, but nothing ...
AKZen Restarting
the mission did not help (in vain I only ran through the storm for fucking forty minutes)
Restarting from the checkpoint did not help. Are there any other options?
By the way, if you do not try flattery on the stairs after the failure, then autosave will not work.
I apologize. I take back my words. The glitch didn't happen after I ran forward up the stairs BEFORE the characters had a chance to speak. I've never been so happy with solid ground under my feet.
Sorry again