Weight game (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
What is the weight of Game of the Year Edition?lookaway
She can not so much to weigh, if only without additions. or distribution not installed
BoBaIIyTuH wrote:
She can not so much to weigh, if only without additions. or distribution not installed
Yes, sitting here coming up with the weight.
all DLS+fashion.
You have most likely cut all translations except Russian, other explanations to this fact I do not see.
I have English and Polish voice, Rogowska license. Russian voice weighs in at 3 GB.
I read that the Gog version weighs less, they are there as something uzhali with the patch 1.31
or you 250 translation immediately follows.
Yesterday with the mod it was fun and the bigger size. And what do we see now? No
It's not much and do not compare with BTA , CY size ichego
Pirates, Rogowska version, with all DLC and patches and only with Russian voice acting weighs 36.1 gig.
55 GB without mods with additional content-type soundtracks, Wallpaper, etc. Without the additional content of 49.9 GB
I'm downloading the installer and I'm afraid the weight of the game
the installer weighs in at 31 GB