Teamwork Achievement (Dying Light 2: Stay Human)
I want to get all the achievements in the game, there are some small things left and 2 achievements for joining a co-op and killing 100 enemies in a co-op, all my friends decided not to buy the game, but to wait for a crack, so I don’t really have anyone to play with, I noticed that you can join random players, but after 10 minutes it starts to freeze brutally up to 5 fps. So, I would like to know if the kills in different lobbies are summed up, or is it necessary to get exactly 100 kills in one lobby?I have been playing with different friends since the release of the game, and have already 100% definitely killed more than 100 enemies, but there is still no achievement. Apparently this is either a bug, or you need to kill 100 enemies in one session. And for joining the co-op there is an achievement, they gave it right away. I also did not open the achievement "ride the subway".
update: I read on one site that the corpses are summed up, but the achievement is buggy (though it was about the xbox) And the subway achievement opens only if you go to the station and find a map there, interact with it and move, if you open the map through M then there will be no cheating
about the metro is different for everyone, it didn’t work for me through the map, only through the terminal in the metro, but in the guide on YouTube, the person just opened the map and moved and they gave him an achievement, you can’t guess here ..