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medley 02.03.22 11:24 pm

How to recognize a cheater? (Counterstrike)

There are quite arrogant cheaters who shoot through the walls across the entire map, and from the d-needle they consistently put 7 people in one clip. Such people are usually immediately kicked and with them, in general, everything is clear. But there are cheaters who play carefully and are not so easy to figure out. Sobsna, the question is: how to distinguish a well-playing person who "sees" through the walls by the sound of steps and shoots well from a cheater with aim and wh?
It's just that on one of the servers a set of CS masters is being conducted, and in order to become one, you need to be well versed in all these matters. I have never used cheats, so I do not know their features. Usually, in order to kick, you can determine by eye whether a cheater or not, but in order to ban, you need more grounds.
In general, if someone has experience in this matter, please share.
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sagermen 02.03.22

Yes, everything is simple: in my opinion, the method works in 4 cases out of 5. If you have any doubts about cheating, write to him: Pid**aZZ, turn off WH and if they answer just lol: or send adequately, then it’s not cheating, but if is silent or responsible for what they immediately catch on turnips in real life (like, I'm your mother ***) - that means a chitak :))

amarhgil 02.03.22

Before you kick, write a demo on a cheater and post it somewhere...

And to determine a cheater...probably by the number of heads...and so...the devil knows :)

SeeUinHell 02.03.22

on the pakhodka

No Dachi 02.03.22

by characteristic odor

Offstrike | Naparn1K 02.03.22

>>>probably by the number of heads...

complete nonsense, I knew two people whose number of heads was almost equal to the number of shots.. one should not judge by the number of frags and heads, but by shooting.. I personally saw cheaters with result like 2-8

MTS 02.03.22


Cheater can be recognized this way! Ask him - are you a cheater? If the answer is NO, then he is a cheater! They all say so! :D

No Dachi 02.03.22

in fact, the "cipher" is very difficult to figure out, if there are certain suspicions, write a demo, then carefully look through it with wh and in slow motion

MapcuaHuH 02.03.22

You will recognize him from a thousand! By the words, by the eyes, by the voice .... I don’t remember the fuck :)

Pushkin AS 02.03.22

Chitter should sing this song when the admin appears on the server...

Proffev 02.03.22

To be honest, there is the only way to recognize a cheater, I tested it on myself, my friend has always played very well and we always thought that he was a cheater and decided to proserit him. How can you help, it's very simple, the cheater will know the cheater. We downloaded a special program with the largest number of cheats and turned it on, while warning everyone in the grid in advance that we would play with cheats, and then called a friend. Damn, you should have seen, I just walk and look through the walls as he carefully lies through the walls of everyone and at the same time he always knows in advance where each of us is. And when we provided him with evidence, he could not excuse himself. I myself honestly prize cheaters and I don’t consider myself to be such on this occasion, in fact you need to kick them right away for such a game.

KING6 02.03.22

You are here, in addition to discussing "How to burn a cheater" and also discuss "how not to burn a cheater" without realizing it ....

che_guevaro 02.03.22

I can smell these creatures in my gut :)
Well, in fact, it’s hard to burn a competent reader, but ordinary bots can be seen right away. AS? Well, the way you play. For example, a person runs with the sight down so that he sees his legs and in the statistics there are only heads, or the sight jumps from the spawn to the player, goes around the corner and the sight is immediately on the player (not always). In general, if there are brains, then a cheater can be calculated.
zy 100 percent remedy, if he killed you, then he is a cheater.

baton4ik84 02.03.22

Cool! according to these words, it turns out that all cheaters or what? Here I have such a thought, and if several cheaters (for example 6) are put into one game, how they will be cut, I would like to see it. It will turn out just a sea of ​​​​blood and a lot of meat!

koza nostra 02.03.22

Are you all cheaters?

baton4ik84 02.03.22

I don't know about the others, I definitely don't. I play without cheats, it's more interesting and natural.

HAS. 02.03.22

Oddly enough, but the cheats are almost immediately visible. Let's say if you are shot 10 times and you feel that every shot hits you (out of 3-2 for example), which is simply impossible in the game - it means a cheat.
Murder through the wall is not a fact that a chitak, because there is such a thing as a shot. It is necessary to look at whether the dude's walls are transparent.
Let's say there is such a feature as a script for lowering the sight - when, after a shot, the sight automatically falls down - also a cheat.
In the case when a person aims at the sky - the head broadcasts - chitak syk @

Bartleby 02.03.22

2Pushkin: Well, who will wash my chair now?

castilus 02.03.22

Here I made two demos:
I play from steam http://rghost.ru/60430856 Steam (my demo)
And he is from non-steam http://rghost.ru/60430875 Non-steam (player demo)
But if you look at my demo in slow motion
viewdemo ultimatum It
is clearly seen that the shot was 1 and the sight was bent down twice.
Please help me figure it out.

You wanted to ask you what it could be?

GONE TO DTF 02.03.22

To "understand" a cheater, one must have experience in this matter. I've never played with cheats and it's hard to recognize cheaters. and those who ran with them can immediately tell who has the in.

Cheaters run amok. 02.03.22

Well, perhaps by behavior, if he writes to learn how to play, or calls names, it’s clear that he is playing with cheats. But there are invisible cheaters. You can see if not a youngster 14-18 years old or more, then perhaps not a cheater. Well, youngsters are clearly playing with cheats such a new generation :(